Intelligence Vs Autism Spectrum

Hi, I just stumbled across this site and found myself reading the discussions which are very interesting. I set up a profile which you’re welcome to ignore because I don’t really know completely what I’m on about but these are the half unformed thoughts about myself and my life that I have been wondering about.

How do you know if you’re just above average intelligent/academic or on the autism spectrum? 

I might say something wrong while explaining this, I’m sorry if I have already, using wrong terms etc because I’m not deeply educated on it.

I’ve kind of been thinking isn’t it rational to shun socializing if you’re intelligent and not necessarily in an environment where you have connection with other intelligent people?.

Isn’t preferring objects to people rational for someone academic? Humans are quite silly and frivolous and unless you’re working at a top uni, not going to be highly intelligent. But does avoidance of them mean you’re arrogant or use your brain in a more productive way. Some people take drugs or drink so maybe they’re not going to be using their brain to its full capacity. 

So isn’t it just a survival instinct that if you’re clever, you’re going to prefer to be alone rather than settle for averagely intelligent humans, which might look like there’s something wrong.

Isn’t it a fact that we live in an unaesthetic, Capitalist, Consumerist driven world that often makes the man/woman made world quite ugly, full of fake advertising and trash. So isn’t avoiding all that sensory disingenuous junk again rational? 

Isn’t it rational to order the world around us, so isn’t keeping collections and cataloging the height of intelligence? 

Doesn’t it just mean that you’re a good person if you like rules and like them to be followed?

Isn’t the best way to get things done during the day to have a repetitious routine? And not liking it when undisciplined people come along and try and tear you from your strict routine, just because they’re lazy and lack focus and are addicted to frivolous hedonism. 

Might be utter junk coming out of my head, thank you 

  • My take is that there isn’t a real correlation between autism and intelligence. Nor is there a connection as some here suggest between doing “good” and being autistic. Nor either between autism and one’s place in and attitudes to capitalism and consumerism. Of course I can’t off the top for my head reference these statements but I’m pretty sure they are correct. 

    On a personal note I find intelligence hugely attractive, sapiosexual, and what initially drew me to my partner were her processing, reasoning and intellectual skills. Her quest for knowledge about everything is incredible and matches mine. 

    None of this makes me a good or better person, it’s just who I am, though the who-I-am is actually really successful in the world we inhabit. You’d probably consider me an exemplar of capitalism and the elite, but then I was brought up playing Monopoly and graduated from UCL and I won’t ever apologise for that 

  • Amazing to hear of your success in relationships. Very beautiful to hear. I’ve described myself as Sapiosexual before. Looks mean nothing to me at this point in my 40s. I was told once by a friend with Asperger’s that I would go out with the elephant man, which is true. Only if he said intelligent things to me. I see words and ideas as gold dust. To me how rich within a person is, is ALL that matters about being human. Trumping financial wealth and appearance. I want to hear gold nuggets of beauty from their mouths, sentences studded with diamonds. I don’t see it as a problem but perfectly rational. I find having to conjoin my brain with that of another a very deep activity. I hate to be swallowed and erased by the dominant brain of another if it doesn’t lack quality. But then I think am I just an empath and am easily sucked into other people’s worlds. My own is so strong. 

    I think maybe I was mentioning capitalism and consumerism more in a visual sense than moral. Just that because the drive is to make as much money as possible, less care and attention is taken with the aesthetics. So for example you have beautiful, highly detailed Victorian and Georgian properties that look stunning and last for centuries alongside ugly contemporary buildings that were thrown up and are falling apart. Although there are some new styles of architecture that they are currently running with in my city that are very visually interesting. I think I’m driven by beauty of environment, so if the Capitalist style suddenly became more attractive I would love it. Of course parts of it are anyway, fashion, interior design, there’s a lot of beauty and high quality there. I suppose I just feel the streets of the city though are scrappy and sometimes not nice. I don’t really like tv I think for this reason. It looks trashy, with all the adverts.

  • Sorry for being so long replying to your interesting reply, we are travelling and your observations especially appropriate right now. We were in Hereford yesterday where indeed there is a powerful mix of ancient and modern, but genuine medieval rather than fake Victorian revivals, cheek by jowl with the pretty dreadful examples of cheap unimaginative modernism.

    However I know full well that medieval was desperate for the majority (not the bishops house so coo’d at by tourists), damp rat infested hovels, whereas modernism can and often is inspired and healthy and imaginative (as of much of contemporary Manchester). I think it always has been the case that one’s place in the social and intellectual hierarchy determines one’s housing and working conditions. I know I’m perceived as privileged to enjoy the lifestyle and property and assets I have, things which put me into the healthy and happy sector, I’ll never apologise for that though, partly it is down to the love of learning gifted by my parents and partly the results of good decisions made from my teenage years. 

    It’s good to meet another who understands sapiosexual attraction too. Do you have a partner currently?


  • Sorry for being so long replying to your interesting reply, we are travelling and your observations especially appropriate right now. We were in Hereford yesterday where indeed there is a powerful mix of ancient and modern, but genuine medieval rather than fake Victorian revivals, cheek by jowl with the pretty dreadful examples of cheap unimaginative modernism.

    However I know full well that medieval was desperate for the majority (not the bishops house so coo’d at by tourists), damp rat infested hovels, whereas modernism can and often is inspired and healthy and imaginative (as of much of contemporary Manchester). I think it always has been the case that one’s place in the social and intellectual hierarchy determines one’s housing and working conditions. I know I’m perceived as privileged to enjoy the lifestyle and property and assets I have, things which put me into the healthy and happy sector, I’ll never apologise for that though, partly it is down to the love of learning gifted by my parents and partly the results of good decisions made from my teenage years. 

    It’s good to meet another who understands sapiosexual attraction too. Do you have a partner currently?


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