The autistic brain

This comes up a lot in the forums.

That our brains are 'wired differently'.

I'd like to learn what that actually means scientifically, and also perhaps some of us might like to share how we experience our brains.

I think mine ticks over very fast, and I see it as a canoe drifting down a river with waterfalls either side ie danger ahead.

Please share any links you know of that explain our minds.

Here's one I found:

  • The autistic brain, after waking up in the middle of the night is wholly stuck on one thing with a million thoughts related to it swilling around + the newly released song by a band I used to love who've made a comeback although they never really went away stuck ON REPEAT. Both are LOUD in my head. Interspersed with images from the previous day's novelty.  

    That PDF article is excellent although I haven't fully read it. It is correct when it says that there is a distinct lack of being able to filter.

    But it makes for an interesting head and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • The autistic brain, after waking up in the middle of the night is wholly stuck on one thing with a million thoughts related to it swilling around + the newly released song by a band I used to love who've made a comeback although they never really went away stuck ON REPEAT. Both are LOUD in my head. Interspersed with images from the previous day's novelty.  

    Very comprehensive and funny description of your autistic brain!

  • The autistic brain, after waking up in the middle of the night is wholly stuck on one thing with a million thoughts related to it swilling around + the newly released song by a band I used to love who've made a comeback although they never really went away stuck ON REPEAT. Both are LOUD in my head. Interspersed with images from the previous day's novelty.  

    Very comprehensive and funny description of your autistic brain!

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