The autistic brain

This comes up a lot in the forums.

That our brains are 'wired differently'.

I'd like to learn what that actually means scientifically, and also perhaps some of us might like to share how we experience our brains.

I think mine ticks over very fast, and I see it as a canoe drifting down a river with waterfalls either side ie danger ahead.

Please share any links you know of that explain our minds.

Here's one I found:

Parents Reply Children
  • There is so much disinformation out there and it is really hard to know what is a reliable source and what isn't. I try to stick to autistic led sites where possible

    Yes you are absolutely right! Neuroclastic and Aucademy, plus Autism Understood are great examples of autistic led websites.

  • There is so much disinformation out there and it is really hard to know what is a reliable source and what isn't. I try to stick to autistic led sites where possible

    Yes! And this is one of the biggest problems because a lot of health professionals are misinformed and believes the smuck they read on sites like that one.

    I stick to the national autistic society for my reliability, they seem on ball with autism and do a lot for the autistic population like trying to get people in mental health units supported and home again.

    Less time curing, more time learning and understanding!

  • I wouldn't trust anything on that site, as they are a provider of cruel ABA therapy Angry

    "Cross River Therapy is a leading provider of ABA therapy services for children who are on the autism spectrum.

    We provide ABA therapy for children ages 1-21 who are on the autism spectrum, right in the comfort of your home"

    I particularly dislike this section

    "What part of the brain is damaged in autism?

    While there is no one specific part of the brain that is damaged in autism, studies have found differences in the structure and function of several brain areas."

    No. Just no! We are not damaged we are different. ABA 'therapy' should be illegal and a punishable offence, as it is cruelty to an autistic child.

    There is so much disinformation out there and it is really hard to know what is a reliable source and what isn't. I try to stick to autistic led sites where possible.

    Even some of the academic studies can be thinly veiled guises to 'find a cure' for autism Frowning2