The autistic brain

This comes up a lot in the forums.

That our brains are 'wired differently'.

I'd like to learn what that actually means scientifically, and also perhaps some of us might like to share how we experience our brains.

I think mine ticks over very fast, and I see it as a canoe drifting down a river with waterfalls either side ie danger ahead.

Please share any links you know of that explain our minds.

Here's one I found:

  • I'm all about the science and technicals when it comes to my brain.

    Accordingly, I can definitively report (after extensive, peer reviewed assessments and analysis) that my brain is a full ceramic bowl of spaghetti bolognase , that has fallen onto a stone floor - thus breaking the bowl - and now 3 or 4 hungry dogs have just discovered my brain.

    That's science - that is.  You're all welcome.

  • I'm all about the science and technicals when it comes to my brain.

    Accordingly, I can definitively report (after extensive, peer reviewed assessments and analysis) that my brain is a full ceramic bowl of spaghetti bolognase , that has fallen onto a stone floor - thus breaking the bowl - and now 3 or 4 hungry dogs have just discovered my brain.

    That's science - that is.  You're all welcome.

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