The autistic brain

This comes up a lot in the forums.

That our brains are 'wired differently'.

I'd like to learn what that actually means scientifically, and also perhaps some of us might like to share how we experience our brains.

I think mine ticks over very fast, and I see it as a canoe drifting down a river with waterfalls either side ie danger ahead.

Please share any links you know of that explain our minds.

Here's one I found:

  • Hi Debbie 

    Thanks for starting this discussion and sharing the article. I know that our autistic brains have more connections between synapses which means that we process around 42% more information than non autistic people at resting rate. Here is a link to an article about our monotropic brain and our learning style:

    It’s a brilliant article, I hope you find it interesting.

    I don’t like the article you have linked to as it falsely describes us as disordered, we are neurodivergent not disordered!

    I am very aware that my brain works very fast in comparison to non autistic people and makes deep connections and patterns between interests. I am also a very deep thinker and I analyse everything- thanks to being monotropic! As a child I always wondered why non autistic people did not think as deeply as I did.

  • Thank you for this link. I can relate to things mentioned. At work if I have a complicated problem to solve I hyper focus until resolved, but don't find it easy to manage interruptions. I am not a 'typical' woman who is supposed to be good at multi-tasking. 

    I also need to know the 'why' which some people don't understand when it might be a small part of a conversation or news article and it might need some researching. My work colleagues probably find me a bit of a nuisance sometimes as I always want to know full details and explanations.

    I also find I process things slower than some, so if someone gives me a list of places that have been in the news recently they have to give me the list slow enough, so I can process whether I know each place. The same is true of instructions. I read slowly for the same reason as I think about the sentences. If we had to read in class at school I was usually the last to finish.

  • You are very welcome!

    Thank you for this link. I can relate to things mentioned. At work if I have a complicated problem to solve I hyper focus until resolved, but don't find it easy to manage interruptions. I am not a 'typical' woman who is supposed to be good at multi-tasking. 

    It’s great that you can resonate with the experiences mentioned. Interruptions must disrupt your flow! Did you know there is no such thing as multi tasking? Who wants to be typical anyway?!

    I also need to know the 'why' which some people don't understand when it might be a small part of a conversation or news article and it might need some researching. My work colleagues probably find me a bit of a nuisance sometimes as I always want to know full details and explanations.

    So do I! It’s because we are monotropic we need to know whether anything and everything is worth investing our very precious attention in because it takes a lot of energy to switch attention tunnels.

    We deep dive by nature, it’s just part of our autistic cognition!

  • You are very welcome!

    Thank you for this link. I can relate to things mentioned. At work if I have a complicated problem to solve I hyper focus until resolved, but don't find it easy to manage interruptions. I am not a 'typical' woman who is supposed to be good at multi-tasking. 

    It’s great that you can resonate with the experiences mentioned. Interruptions must disrupt your flow! Did you know there is no such thing as multi tasking? Who wants to be typical anyway?!

    I also need to know the 'why' which some people don't understand when it might be a small part of a conversation or news article and it might need some researching. My work colleagues probably find me a bit of a nuisance sometimes as I always want to know full details and explanations.

    So do I! It’s because we are monotropic we need to know whether anything and everything is worth investing our very precious attention in because it takes a lot of energy to switch attention tunnels.

    We deep dive by nature, it’s just part of our autistic cognition!

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