Dealing with negativity

The past few days have been extremely difficult for me. I’ve had to listen to various family members using the R-word and talk negatively about autistic adults. It seems to slip their mind that I’m autistic and standing right in front of them.

I’m always filled with such sadness and hopelessness when this happens. I’ve said many times before that I don’t feel comfortable with the words they use but it never seems to change anything. 

How does everyone else cope with this type of situation? Are my boundaries lacking? Am I too sensitive? 

  • I'm sorry your dealing with this Allie. It's a horrible thing to have to hear and it's bound to make you feel sad, I would feel the exact same way.

    Have you tried writing your feelings down? You could do that and show your family. Expressing yourself through writing might be easier for you. I find it easier telling py how I'm feeling in writing than person. I can't speak properly so it's easier to writeSweat smile

  • I just feel awkward about the whole thing, I don’t even want to tell them exactly how I feel. I feel awkward and embarrassed and I just want to run away from the whole situation. :( 

  • Aww bless you Two hearts

    When they start talking and it's heading that way leave the room if you can or you can put in your ear pods and listen to music. Drown out the upsetting stuff.

    When you feel sad you should do something you enjoy to make yourself smile and happy again. That's what I do when I'm feeling sad.

  • Yeah I’m working on my boundaries! I need to do what’s best for me :)

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