Hot Weather

The weather is going to be hot this week. It looks like I'll be getting about 27 degrees here, maybe 28 during midday times, if I'm unlucky. I'm working today as well Confused I'm so anxious about working and now I've got the heat to worry about and anxious in case I don't remember to drink as that's a problem for me. I'm surprised at this sudden increase in temperature after a much cooler August. I've got my hat and sunglasses, hoping I can hide under a tree with the children today.

  • The temperature during this past week has left me feeling so drowsy and drained. I've found it too hot to want to do anything.

    Crossing my fingers that it won't be long until the temperature drops a few degrees.

  • yeah I can definitely relate to that. Last night I had my window wide open all night long. Thank god I live in a quiet area to do so and I got ring doorbell so I do not think anyone would have chanced climbing in through my bedroom window.. But yeah us British people are never happy, it is either too hot or too cold.. I have only just started enjoying the hot weather. But the last week has been unbearable to say the least Slight smile

  • I've had my windows open for days, not that it seems to have made a difference. What's needed is a pleasant breeze.

    So true though. Us Brits are rarely happy with the weather. Laughing

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