Has any one ever Neurosplained you?

Neurosplaining...By analogy with 'mansplaining', I guess; the act of telling a neurodivergent person how they experience their neurodivergence.

A new word for my vocabulary today, but wondered whether anyone else had heard it before. 

I can't claim any credit for inventing this new lexical item here, but I like it and yes it does nicely sum up some rubbish we hear from others (sadly, often professionals as frequently as friends and family).  I just came across it in a post on LinkedIn from a psychologist and neuroinclusion specialist.  It's made my day.  So, I thought I'd share.

My doctor neurosplains me every time he tells me I "suffer with autism".  Or tells me he regrets that "he cannot cure my autism".

Has anyone neurosplained you recently?

Parents Reply
  • What if I feel it in such an extreme, primal and indescribable way that spoken language fails to encompass it?

    This makes sense to me... in my life it hasn't been understood by the people around me at all and that's difficult. I wouldn't want to be different though, I wouldn't give up my emotional intensity. 

    I can't conceive of how colourless the world would be without it...
