Has any one ever Neurosplained you?

Neurosplaining...By analogy with 'mansplaining', I guess; the act of telling a neurodivergent person how they experience their neurodivergence.

A new word for my vocabulary today, but wondered whether anyone else had heard it before. 

I can't claim any credit for inventing this new lexical item here, but I like it and yes it does nicely sum up some rubbish we hear from others (sadly, often professionals as frequently as friends and family).  I just came across it in a post on LinkedIn from a psychologist and neuroinclusion specialist.  It's made my day.  So, I thought I'd share.

My doctor neurosplains me every time he tells me I "suffer with autism".  Or tells me he regrets that "he cannot cure my autism".

Has anyone neurosplained you recently?

  • Hi Dawn. New here.

    If I'm on the same page as you then yeah I get this a lot. Professionals in the medical industry are amongst the worst but normal everyday people are just as bad a lot of the time.

    Misinformed and unknowing to the autistic world is a big problem for most. I educate them when I can.

    Recently after a meltdown in public a man says to me 'you're just using autism as an excuse'. That hurt. I have no control over autism meltdowns, I hate that some people even consider it's an excuse.

  • How awful.

    In general I forgive the public more easily than professionals who ought to know better

    And welcome to the community :-)

  • Yeah professionals need training in autism. It's discouraging to hear a professional say he doesn't believe autism exists. Training would be beneficial for them and for us.

    Thank you for the welcome Smiley.

  • Yeah professionals need training in autism. It's discouraging to hear a professional say he doesn't believe autism exists. Training would be beneficial for them and for us.

    Thank you for the welcome Smiley.

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