Has any one ever Neurosplained you?

Neurosplaining...By analogy with 'mansplaining', I guess; the act of telling a neurodivergent person how they experience their neurodivergence.

A new word for my vocabulary today, but wondered whether anyone else had heard it before. 

I can't claim any credit for inventing this new lexical item here, but I like it and yes it does nicely sum up some rubbish we hear from others (sadly, often professionals as frequently as friends and family).  I just came across it in a post on LinkedIn from a psychologist and neuroinclusion specialist.  It's made my day.  So, I thought I'd share.

My doctor neurosplains me every time he tells me I "suffer with autism".  Or tells me he regrets that "he cannot cure my autism".

Has anyone neurosplained you recently?

  • I'm sorry you've had this happen to you. Doctors can be very unsympathetic and patronizing.

    I've not had it recently but when I saw my doctor a few years ago to do with anxiety and autistic problems she recommended CBT and said she felt sorry for me that I was autistic. I felt bad after that.

    I like your word for this by the way

  • To be kind to the neurosplainers, I guess, before I knew that I am autistic I bought into the sterotypes that society pumps at me too.  IE that autistic people are generally Rainman or Sheldon and it isn't something you'd want your children to "have".

    I was only ignorant because that was the only information presented to me.  We can change that :-).  I'll start chanting like a mantra to rehearse:  "I know you mean well, but please don't neurosplain me".

  • Yeah a lot of it is related to how much you've been told and what you've read. I like that there's autism awareness weeks now..

    I work in childcare at a nursery and one of the reasons I was hired was because I have autism. The lady liked that and said it would be good for someone like that to be there for the children especially if a child has autism or other disabilities.

  • Yeah a lot of it is related to how much you've been told and what you've read. I like that there's autism awareness weeks now..

    I work in childcare at a nursery and one of the reasons I was hired was because I have autism. The lady liked that and said it would be good for someone like that to be there for the children especially if a child has autism or other disabilities.
