After years of working myself up to go to the GP, I was denied a referral


I haven't told anyone about getting a diagnosis, mostly because I am afraid of being wrong or their reactions. A few months ago I worked up the courage to go to the doctor after being terrified of getting help for over 6 years, to request a formal diagnosis. Filled out a really long form in which I scored likely to have autism, doctor herself said she thinks I'm ND, so we fill out this questionnaire together and she sends it off to the ASD team. A month later I find out I have some missed phone calls and see from my patient record I was denied a referral for not having enough traits despite having a 'high score'. They recommend getting a further appointment with the team for a further questionnaire and referral. I don't have the courage to pick up the phone and I've been struggling alone for years feeling like an alien. Every 'help' that is offered always requires phone call or verbal communication which I struggle to cope with. When I went for the initial appointment I couldn't get the words out of my throat and ended up crying in front of the doctor. Are there any resources where I can communicate with someone or get help through messages or email? And what should I do regarding the referral denial? I know private is an option but I doubt I can afford it and it still involves the whole process of communicating with people. I've been trying to get a formal diagnosis so I 'know' for sure and I can finally tell people and lift this weight that's been on my shoulders for several years, it gets so overwhelming I feel like I can't breathe sometimes. I don't want to tell people I have ASD and be self-diagnosed without an expert opinion.

Could I please have some advice or suggestions and has anyone else felt this way or had this experience?


  • Hey Bonkasaurus, 

    Firstly, I fuckin love your screen name - for some reason it really made me smile! 

    Well done for working up the courage to go to the GP - that was super brave. And it sounds like he/she agreed with you that you could be ND so that's I guess a step in the direction you're looking for. 

    For me - from referral right through to assessment all of it was done digitally. I didn't speak to anyone in person until the day of my actual assessment. And I believe you can do this too. 

    I don't see what's stopping you from just emailing your GP and saying you want a referral again then asking for the 'Right to Choose' which is really important you include - this speeds up the referral. Make it clear on the email that you can't accept phone calls but you're happy to fill in any forms digitally. This is all possible. They will send over the initial assessment form, which you've already completed, and then you wait to hear from the assessment people, who will send more forms.

    You will have to speak on the assessment but I requested mine was done on a video call which I found much better. I really struggle to communicate if I can't see the person. Again on this, you can have someone with you, so if you get too shy or overwhelmed they can speak for you. 

    If you need help writing anything I am happy to help via DM - I love writing. 

    Good luck!

  • This is super helpful! Thank you so much, I never realised much of it could be done digitally, I'll have a look into this and sort out an email to the GP. Thank you!

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