Asd as adult Cleaning

Hello there as a adult only diagnosed as adult 29 and live alone does any one have any tips on to keep on top house work spend all day cleaning look around look same have have like 15 break does this effect anybody else’s anyone got any tips 

  • Autists tend to work well with routine and schedules so you may want to build a schedule that works for you.

    Maybe have a routine that every night before you go to bed you put the previous days clothes in the laundry basket, put away any old cups from the bedroom, hang your towel for the next days shower, wash up any dishes from that day and put things away.

    This way you get to rest straight afterwards, it should only take 15 mins max to do and the next day the house is already looking better.

    Set days for dusting and hoovering and stick to the schedule - preferrably straight after breakfast so you have energy. Do the dusting first so you vacuum up any bits that fall down later.

    Similarly for cleaning the bathroom and kitchen - set the schedule and stick to it. In time it will become more automated and less sttressful.

    Ditto for washing clothes.

    Once a month do things like cleaning windows, moving furniture to hoover under chairs etc. Maybe do the monthly tasks straight after your weekly tasks and then give yourself a reward like ordering a pizza or something as a treat.This way you look forward to it next time.

  • i dont spend much time cleaning. i keep my stuff where i keep it, hoover when i thing the floor looks like it needs it. bathrooms probably biggest pain that always needs cleaning. kitchen surfaces take a few seconds. nothing really takes too long. can likely do the entire house every task cleaning in max 30 minutes.