ASD And the Paronormal. DO you believe UFO'S are real ? Serious Question.

Over the last 18 Months to Two years, sightings have increased, and video evidence, even by the Governments have been disclosed.
Before you " Scoff " at the idea let me ask you a question.....Is there proof of life in outer-space ? 
No ?
Then how can i post this comment if life in Space doe's not exist ?
It does.
I do not believe they come from other planets, i think they are Time Travellers.
Yeah, i hear ya, old Def Leepard has lost the plot.....But....
Imagine in the future, hundreds of years when Kids are at School.
In my Day, we got a coach to London Zoo for a Day trip, but way in the Future maybe Technology involves getting in a " ufo thingy "
and ACTUALLY going back in time to actually witness the past.
If i could go back to Victorian Times and show them a mobile phone, they would think " What the hell is that " ?
Well, isn't that EXACTLY what we do when we see weird, colourful, shape shifting objects in our Skies ?
We presume our PRESENT is our time, but maybe not in the future which we CANNOT comprehend.
If i had a Time machine i would go back in  time and tell Jack the Ripper to cut it out ( No pun intended ).
My point is this.... If Time travel ever becomes possible, then we will see evidence of it NOW.
Strange how every Natural disaster on Earth has been Documented with UFO sightings ( Fact )
Maybe Kids in the future Don't study books in History Lessons, maybe they just pop on a craft and go back and witness it first hand.
Yes, OUR future is NOW, but that does not mean " Future" future is not in existence.
Just ask Doc Brown from Back to the Future for further information.  ( If you can find what year He is living in )
My point is...UFO'S are REAL. 
70's  to Present Day... The cattle Mutilations over the World.
Surgical precision cuts not even possible with a Modern Day Laser ( Light amplification by stimulation by emmited Radiation )
I reccomend the Book " Stalking the Heard " to chill your bones.
This IS real.
SOMETHING is in the pipe-line.
Think i'm weird ?
Fair enough, but it does not make me wrong.
They ARE here, and we need to be worried WHY ?

  • I am open to other worldly entities, it amazes me how life can for and grow anywhere, you should see the weeds in my garden. 
    Why would extra terrestrial life not exist elsewhere.

    if they’re here they will be advanced, with advancement come intelligence, so I doubt if they’re a threat to us, .

    on a separate note I really hope that Bigfoot is real too.

  • Look into your nearest portal---Bigfoot is there!

  • If anyone has been following the episodes of "The Curse Of Skinwalker Ranch" and STILL remains skeptical of UFO's, portals, cattle mutilations, and the many other "impossible" events that have taken place under the watchful eyes of scientists utilising high tech equipment, I would like to know upon what basis their skepticism remains in the face of the amount of overwhelming recorded data that had taken place on that ranch. There are no conclusive answers to those events because they are BEYOND our comprehention, but that should not in itself detract from the reality of those events for those who keep an open mind with 'unknown unknowns'

  • Yes - this is very much my vibe too.  You have expressed it well for me - so thank you.

  • credible research or I'm not wasting my time on it.

    For me listening to a selection of conspiracy theories broadens my overview and keeps my mind open to other possibilities.  Yes, the scientific method with its empirical data is the bottom line however it narrows the mind to the exclusion of an overwhelming amount of data it has no eplanation for. I much prefer to keep an open mind as I have no faith in our capacity to think we can arrive at the truth through a single focal point methodology over issues beyond our perceptive capabilities.

  • There are no conclusive answers to those events because they are BEYOND our comprehention, but that should not in itself detract from the reality of those events for those who keep an open mind with 'unknown unknowns'

    I agree - the unknown remains the unknown until we know what it is.

    On a practical level I don't care about the unknown unless it has an impact on me in some way or those I care about so I'll happily leave it to other scientists to sweat the hard work in identifying what it is then read their work with interest.

    There is however a large body of work from people who do not use scientific method or who use pseudo science to reach conclusions and those who just make stuff up for a good story. All these I am happy to ignore even if the subject matter does appear superficially interesting.

    There is just too little time in life to spend on listening to this amateur hour stuff. That is probably what it boils down to for me - credible research or I'm not wasting my time on it.

  • There are no conclusive answers to those events because they are BEYOND our comprehention, but that should not in itself detract from the reality of those events for those who keep an open mind with 'unknown unknowns'

    I agree - the unknown remains the unknown until we know what it is.

    On a practical level I don't care about the unknown unless it has an impact on me in some way or those I care about so I'll happily leave it to other scientists to sweat the hard work in identifying what it is then read their work with interest.

    There is however a large body of work from people who do not use scientific method or who use pseudo science to reach conclusions and those who just make stuff up for a good story. All these I am happy to ignore even if the subject matter does appear superficially interesting.

    There is just too little time in life to spend on listening to this amateur hour stuff. That is probably what it boils down to for me - credible research or I'm not wasting my time on it.

  • Yes - this is very much my vibe too.  You have expressed it well for me - so thank you.

  • credible research or I'm not wasting my time on it.

    For me listening to a selection of conspiracy theories broadens my overview and keeps my mind open to other possibilities.  Yes, the scientific method with its empirical data is the bottom line however it narrows the mind to the exclusion of an overwhelming amount of data it has no eplanation for. I much prefer to keep an open mind as I have no faith in our capacity to think we can arrive at the truth through a single focal point methodology over issues beyond our perceptive capabilities.