ASD And the Paronormal. DO you believe UFO'S are real ? Serious Question.

Over the last 18 Months to Two years, sightings have increased, and video evidence, even by the Governments have been disclosed.
Before you " Scoff " at the idea let me ask you a question.....Is there proof of life in outer-space ? 
No ?
Then how can i post this comment if life in Space doe's not exist ?
It does.
I do not believe they come from other planets, i think they are Time Travellers.
Yeah, i hear ya, old Def Leepard has lost the plot.....But....
Imagine in the future, hundreds of years when Kids are at School.
In my Day, we got a coach to London Zoo for a Day trip, but way in the Future maybe Technology involves getting in a " ufo thingy "
and ACTUALLY going back in time to actually witness the past.
If i could go back to Victorian Times and show them a mobile phone, they would think " What the hell is that " ?
Well, isn't that EXACTLY what we do when we see weird, colourful, shape shifting objects in our Skies ?
We presume our PRESENT is our time, but maybe not in the future which we CANNOT comprehend.
If i had a Time machine i would go back in  time and tell Jack the Ripper to cut it out ( No pun intended ).
My point is this.... If Time travel ever becomes possible, then we will see evidence of it NOW.
Strange how every Natural disaster on Earth has been Documented with UFO sightings ( Fact )
Maybe Kids in the future Don't study books in History Lessons, maybe they just pop on a craft and go back and witness it first hand.
Yes, OUR future is NOW, but that does not mean " Future" future is not in existence.
Just ask Doc Brown from Back to the Future for further information.  ( If you can find what year He is living in )
My point is...UFO'S are REAL. 
70's  to Present Day... The cattle Mutilations over the World.
Surgical precision cuts not even possible with a Modern Day Laser ( Light amplification by stimulation by emmited Radiation )
I reccomend the Book " Stalking the Heard " to chill your bones.
This IS real.
SOMETHING is in the pipe-line.
Think i'm weird ?
Fair enough, but it does not make me wrong.
They ARE here, and we need to be worried WHY ?

  • Oh my days! That white triangle about 5:50 into the video looks exactly the same as what I saw. I can't believe it. Is that video for real or faked? The only difference is that mine didn't shift sideways at high speed. It just kept rising into a clear blue sky until it slowly faded away. It looked almost as if it was camouflaging itself to the surrounding sky; either that or it was very very high and passing upwards into the edge of space, but neither of those ideas seem credible to me. Then again, not much about what I saw seems credible to be honest.

    Thanks for posting that clip I Sperg. Brought it all back so vividly.

  • Before I answer your question, I'd like to ask did watching the video remind you of anything that you had forgotten about your experience?

    We simply do not know whether that video is real or faked, unfortunately at this time.

    I am working hard on a system of critical thinking that will allow anyone to measure and quantify the "veracity" of a given piece of information. There are fundamentals about the difference between reality and imagination (Used in this case as a polite word for "lies") that can be leveraged to make such an "apparatus".

    Effectively, I believe that the correct algorithm used in conjunction with an internet connected A.I. will allow us to determine reality from myth with a great degree of reliability (previously unattainable, with reliability and speed) I know it can be done, but the explanation would fill a page.

    I'll take P.M.'s if anyone wants to help...

  • We got to the point of ruining several tubes of deuterium in a row, and in two separate (and slightly different) iterations of the same experiment run by different people in different places.. 

    By "ruining", I mean changing the ionisation spectrum from it's normal deuterium blue/purple to a dirty green.

    Our guy has a self running power producing version in concept too.

    The only advantage doing such things confers is a sense of achievement.

    You actually get paid the big bucks for NOT inventing stuff...

  • No professional or scientific journal will give him a look in but that in itself does not necessarily dismiss his breakthrough.

    It is probably the sheer number of other people (scientists and amateurs) who have claimed to have created cold fusion yet whenever they are assessed by people using proper scientific method, the phenomenon could not be demonstrated.

    I guess the scientific community have suffered so many frauds and clueless amateurs who could not reporoduce their claims that they gave up in frustration until someone can demonstrate it in a reproducable way.

  • There is a Chinese guy on Quora who claims a breakthrough in-- I think with nuclear cold fusion. No professional or scientific journal will give him a look in but that in itself does not necessarily dismiss his breakthrough.

  • To be honest the experience was so unusual that I have remembered every bit of it clearly since it happened, so no, seeing the video didn't jog any forgotten memories. The whole thing lasted no more than about 30 seconds from first seeing this vivid white triangle in a completely clear blue sky to the point where it faded away completely. One thing I will say, on viewing the video for a second time I think I'd say that the object I saw was not quite as bright and shiny. It was very stark and obvious (initially) against the blue background but not in a glowing way. More like how you would see a high flying commercial airliner, except obviously the wrong shape entirely. I would be perfectly willing to recall my sighting in a polygraph test, and would definitely pass as telling the truth as opposed to telling a blatant lie. As for imagination, no way. It was there for sure, whatever it was. We do have a few air bases nearby, and if someone told me it was the RAF or USAF testing a new piece of military tech then I could accept that if shown an example. I'm not looking for confirmation that it was an alien craft, I'd just love to know what it really was.

  • I wish I was. I could use the money for my own private science project...

    The one thing that is GREAT about amateur science is that it is actually DOABLE, and you do get to discover stuff for real, if you are any good.

    The downside is that no one will believe or collaborate with you when you do get interesting results. and if you get REALLY interesting results, like I've had with some "fringe" experiments and observations, you can end up doubting your own sanity.

    I like to take long breaks and immerse myself in mundanity to stop myself from getting "lost in the woods" so to speak.

  • I wish I was. I could use the money for my own private science project...

    The one thing that is GREAT about amateur science is that it is actually DOABLE, and you do get to discover stuff for real, if you are any good.

    The downside is that no one will believe or collaborate with you when you do get interesting results. and if you get REALLY interesting results, like I've had with some "fringe" experiments and observations, you can end up doubting your own sanity.

    I like to take long breaks and immerse myself in mundanity to stop myself from getting "lost in the woods" so to speak.

  • We got to the point of ruining several tubes of deuterium in a row, and in two separate (and slightly different) iterations of the same experiment run by different people in different places.. 

    By "ruining", I mean changing the ionisation spectrum from it's normal deuterium blue/purple to a dirty green.

    Our guy has a self running power producing version in concept too.

    The only advantage doing such things confers is a sense of achievement.

    You actually get paid the big bucks for NOT inventing stuff...

  • No professional or scientific journal will give him a look in but that in itself does not necessarily dismiss his breakthrough.

    It is probably the sheer number of other people (scientists and amateurs) who have claimed to have created cold fusion yet whenever they are assessed by people using proper scientific method, the phenomenon could not be demonstrated.

    I guess the scientific community have suffered so many frauds and clueless amateurs who could not reporoduce their claims that they gave up in frustration until someone can demonstrate it in a reproducable way.

  • There is a Chinese guy on Quora who claims a breakthrough in-- I think with nuclear cold fusion. No professional or scientific journal will give him a look in but that in itself does not necessarily dismiss his breakthrough.