ASD And the Paronormal. DO you believe UFO'S are real ? Serious Question.

Over the last 18 Months to Two years, sightings have increased, and video evidence, even by the Governments have been disclosed.
Before you " Scoff " at the idea let me ask you a question.....Is there proof of life in outer-space ? 
No ?
Then how can i post this comment if life in Space doe's not exist ?
It does.
I do not believe they come from other planets, i think they are Time Travellers.
Yeah, i hear ya, old Def Leepard has lost the plot.....But....
Imagine in the future, hundreds of years when Kids are at School.
In my Day, we got a coach to London Zoo for a Day trip, but way in the Future maybe Technology involves getting in a " ufo thingy "
and ACTUALLY going back in time to actually witness the past.
If i could go back to Victorian Times and show them a mobile phone, they would think " What the hell is that " ?
Well, isn't that EXACTLY what we do when we see weird, colourful, shape shifting objects in our Skies ?
We presume our PRESENT is our time, but maybe not in the future which we CANNOT comprehend.
If i had a Time machine i would go back in  time and tell Jack the Ripper to cut it out ( No pun intended ).
My point is this.... If Time travel ever becomes possible, then we will see evidence of it NOW.
Strange how every Natural disaster on Earth has been Documented with UFO sightings ( Fact )
Maybe Kids in the future Don't study books in History Lessons, maybe they just pop on a craft and go back and witness it first hand.
Yes, OUR future is NOW, but that does not mean " Future" future is not in existence.
Just ask Doc Brown from Back to the Future for further information.  ( If you can find what year He is living in )
My point is...UFO'S are REAL. 
70's  to Present Day... The cattle Mutilations over the World.
Surgical precision cuts not even possible with a Modern Day Laser ( Light amplification by stimulation by emmited Radiation )
I reccomend the Book " Stalking the Heard " to chill your bones.
This IS real.
SOMETHING is in the pipe-line.
Think i'm weird ?
Fair enough, but it does not make me wrong.
They ARE here, and we need to be worried WHY ?

  • Def Leepard I am soooo happy to know your view on UFO's which I share 100%. This topic as with Bigfoot, the strange events on both Skinwalker and Blind Frog Ranches, the 10 year quest for treasure on Oak Island I have followed all closely for some time. I am adamant there is great truth's out there humanity does not have the slightest understanding of. Irrefutable proof  of OFO's is being kept secret (ref. Bob Lazar). 

    Unless some people have been living in a cave I don't understand how the UFO/UAP phenomenon can be ignored or at worst denied.

    Ref.:                                                     spot- rcna87127                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  etc.,etc. etc.

  • Unless some people have been living in a cave I don't understand how the UFO/UAP phenomenon can be ignored or at worst denied.

    It is being ignored by the vast majority of the population because:

    1 - it is not relevant to their day to day life.

    2 - the number of tin foil hat wearing loons shouting about UFOs (a small but vocal minority of believers) cast a shadow over the credibility of the genre which turns people away from it.

    3 - In spite of 5 decades of attempts to prove their existance, the evidence is overwhelmingly poor quality or lacking in credibility.

    4 - the lack of engagement of official bodies on the phenomenon (until recently and even then it is only tentative.

    The scientific community need proof and that has not been forthcoming.

    Over time more and more sightings have been proven to be other things which further weakens the case - are they all just unidentified because we don't understand the phenomenon behind them?

    With conclusive proof then things will change - probably in a catostrophically bad way for mankind as the reliance on solving our own problems will probably be dropped in the hope the outsiders will solve everything for us, plus the jostling to get business deals, scams around getting access to the aliens and their tech, countries jostling for "favoured alies" status etc.

    I fully expect things to get massively worse for a while even if the aliens were benevolant, and if they are malicious then we have little chance against them with tech as advanced as theirs.

    So with all that in mind, I don't give it any more thought as we are screwed either way IF they even exist.

  • I note that in the case of poltergeists and other apparitions now that everyone has a camera phone, the hoped for evidence has not appeared, but UFO images ARE getting better. 

    One ray of hope as far as aliens are concerned is that as my own thinking as advanced with age, I've got LESS inclined to take other peoples stuff, or mess with them for my own purposes. 

  • I note that in the case of poltergeists and other apparitions now that everyone has a camera phone, the hoped for evidence has not appeared, but UFO images ARE getting better. 

    One ray of hope as far as aliens are concerned is that as my own thinking as advanced with age, I've got LESS inclined to take other peoples stuff, or mess with them for my own purposes. 

  • I was very strongly motivated to find out the truth of the matter for a few decades, as figuring it out would have apparently solved many of my own most pressing problems.

    YOU don't need to pay rent or a lot of other bills if your house can hover above the ground...

    It's also quite hard to burgle too. And travel is a lot less inconvenient if you can bring everything you own with you. I came to understand how a staple of physics belief "the strong nuclear force" could be made to be more strong in a particular direction, by imposing ephemeral but carefully structured changes in the local environment possibly using a variety of methods. BUT I still after twenty plus years of intermittent effort do not have the whole set of jigsaw pieces I believe and I've certainly not yet got the picture put together. But I'm circling round the problem, getting as many perspectives as I can, making observations, and linking disparate pieces, when I can.

    If I can live long enough and maintain my interest for how ever long it takes, I'll crack the problem, and go live in a few containers welded together, hover over wherever the hell I want to (within obvious limitations), take what I need when I get there, leave my rubbish behind, and float on to the next place...  

    Some say it has already been done...

  • Now, HOW can anyone argue with that?

    You have presented the reality beautifully, in my opinion.


  • I can answer your last question. Try using that go pro to take photos of aeroplanes in flight, then get back to me. Supplementally, try taking zoomed photo's of the police helicopters hovering at any distance at all greater than about 500 feet and see how much sharpness and detail you can get.

    Statstically speaking, most UFO footage will be shot on mobile phones by excited amateurs with little formal photography traiining. I'm trained, have decent gear with mechanical/optical stabilisation but still I have very few decent "bird in flight" or "aeroplanes in flight" pictures.  

    When you talk of the fakery (I'll give all the "ufo's are real" people an example of fakery that will have fooled some of them a bit later) discredtting all pictures, you are taking a "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" approach I feel.

    You are TAKING A STAND on an issue that has not actually been decided, which is a common trait of the over educated and insufficiently suspicious people* who seem to make up the majority and includes some ufo believers as well. 

    I don't care either way which side of the argument prevails, I just enjoy examining the evidence when it turns up. 

    If you do an internet search for images of TR3B eventually you'll find a really nice pic of some wreckage being hauled out of the sea with what is clearly some weird and wonderful drive technology in the middle. 

    Except it isn't. Anyone who's taken a clutch apart will recognise what it is. BUT a LOT of people believe they are looking at a TR3B in that pic and not something like a busted F14 "tomcat"  with a clutch release mechanism carefully superimposed on it's underside... 

    As TT Brown's Daughter told me some years ago, looking for the truth in these matters is like "sifting the fly *** from pepper"...

    Speaking as an Autist (although I didn't know it back then) I saw it as a challenge... My interest always being limited to "what makes them move like that" with a view to "doing it myself" as soon as I figure the mechanism out.

    *That description of people who are quite different from me, is not meant as a criticism of such people, per se,  but as an illustration of how they appear from a different perspective, such as the one I hold. 

  • now that everyone has a camera phone, the hoped for evidence has not appeared, but UFO images ARE getting better

    Another arguement is now that everyone has a powerful PC and access to CGI software on the internet that the quality of fake videos is also improving.

    Take some CGI added to a background in a video and make it super shaky so it is really hard to prove it is CGI and you have the quality of the majority of videos out there.

    It may be intentional but the volume of faked videos has permanently damaged any credibility of potentially authentic videos.

    I have a GoPro that cost only a few hundred quid and can take great quality, stable videos when riding a motorbike offroad so why on earth are so many "proof" videos looking like they were taken by someone with Parkinsons disease?