ASD And the Paronormal. DO you believe UFO'S are real ? Serious Question.

Over the last 18 Months to Two years, sightings have increased, and video evidence, even by the Governments have been disclosed.
Before you " Scoff " at the idea let me ask you a question.....Is there proof of life in outer-space ? 
No ?
Then how can i post this comment if life in Space doe's not exist ?
It does.
I do not believe they come from other planets, i think they are Time Travellers.
Yeah, i hear ya, old Def Leepard has lost the plot.....But....
Imagine in the future, hundreds of years when Kids are at School.
In my Day, we got a coach to London Zoo for a Day trip, but way in the Future maybe Technology involves getting in a " ufo thingy "
and ACTUALLY going back in time to actually witness the past.
If i could go back to Victorian Times and show them a mobile phone, they would think " What the hell is that " ?
Well, isn't that EXACTLY what we do when we see weird, colourful, shape shifting objects in our Skies ?
We presume our PRESENT is our time, but maybe not in the future which we CANNOT comprehend.
If i had a Time machine i would go back in  time and tell Jack the Ripper to cut it out ( No pun intended ).
My point is this.... If Time travel ever becomes possible, then we will see evidence of it NOW.
Strange how every Natural disaster on Earth has been Documented with UFO sightings ( Fact )
Maybe Kids in the future Don't study books in History Lessons, maybe they just pop on a craft and go back and witness it first hand.
Yes, OUR future is NOW, but that does not mean " Future" future is not in existence.
Just ask Doc Brown from Back to the Future for further information.  ( If you can find what year He is living in )
My point is...UFO'S are REAL. 
70's  to Present Day... The cattle Mutilations over the World.
Surgical precision cuts not even possible with a Modern Day Laser ( Light amplification by stimulation by emmited Radiation )
I reccomend the Book " Stalking the Heard " to chill your bones.
This IS real.
SOMETHING is in the pipe-line.
Think i'm weird ?
Fair enough, but it does not make me wrong.
They ARE here, and we need to be worried WHY ?

  • I've always been a UFO sceptic but a couple of months ago whilst out on my regular after work seafront walk I saw a solid white equilateral triangle with a small hole in the centre rising vertically into a completely clear blue sky. My initial thought was that it was a drone but as it rose higher it seemed to slowly blend into the blue of the sky before it disappeared completely. It gave the impression of being something very large and very high up, although there was nothing nearby for comparison so I can't be certain. It freaked me out at the time because it was unlike anything I've ever seen before, and I used to go to air shows all the time so I know most military aircraft pretty well. Unfortunately there was nobody else within 200 metres of where I was standing, which is normally a real bonus for me, but on this occasion a bit frustrating as I would love to have had someone else confirm it. If somebody showed me a video of what I saw then I would instantly dismiss it as 100% faked, that's how unusual it was. I have since had to re-evaluate my scepticism, and give a little more respect to other people's claims.

  • And there is your TR3B!

    (If we believe your testimony of course)

Reply Children
  • Here is an extract from a report produced by Aviation Studies dated 1956:

    "Gravity, the bitter foe in the first half of last century, would become the great provider in the second half."

    "However, almost a half century later we still find commercial aviation using the "sledgehammer" approach, employing  jet and rocket propulsion technologies. These earlier predictions were partially correct (referring to an earlier mention of the B-2 bomber): gravity control did become practically applied, but not for commercial use.". As described in subsequent chapters (ref.Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion) antigravity vehicles have been developed for the military and are being flown in large numbers, but knowledge of their existence is a closely guarded secret"

    YES!, I believe the TR3B exists

  • Hi I Sperg. I didn't take your statement as scoffing at all, in fact I actually thought you were supporting my sighting with a theory of your own. Also, you're absolutely right to question the validity of my testimony, as all good scientists should. I have zero evidence beyond my own description which is obviously frustrating when I know I saw something extremely enigmatic but can't prove it.

    There's very little wrong with your written communication; I think anything written is open to interpretation. As a writer I feel the need to check, double check, and triple check everything I write, then end up waffling on in the hope that I'm making myself clear. I love that your honest enough to admit that there are times when you set out to upset people intentionally, but glad you don't feel the need to often. Sometimes it just has to be done.

    No offence taken friend.

  • I'm actually with you and Mr Leepard on this, believe it or not.

    I was not actually "scoffing" merely trying to show the difficulty that is faced in providing evidence of such a fleeting phenomena such as UFO observations. 

    I would not have invested some twenty plus years in trying (semi-successfully) to figure out (or even learn) how the drive system could possibly work, if I didn't...

    I think I am particularly bad at written and other forms of communication, to be honest, this isn't the first time I've upset someone needlessly over genuine misunderstanding on this forum. It's time to take my own advice, re-read the portion of the book I always like to push, and STOP being involved in misunderstandings. I'd rather only upset people when I actually mean to, (which isn't very often TBF) so I clearly have more to learn in that area. Sorry guys.

  • Do you want to believe, or would you rather there was another explanation? I ask because despite my 'UFO' sighting I still remain sceptical about ghosts, while at the same time I desperately want them to be real. I'm very much someone for whom seeing is believing, and because in the case of the UFO I have no other witnesses, no video clip, and no empirical evidence I couldn't blame anyone for not believing.

  • I find it hard to explain what I saw in terms of what is common knowledge. I wouldn't believe my story, but I saw exactly what I described, and now feel a bit guilty for doubting others for so many years. The scientist inside me still searches for a logical explanation but nothing remotely springs to mind.

  • The word " Ignorance " springs to mind.
    I saw two orange orbs Early Hours Xmas Morning in 1994.
    Side by side. Bright orange, shimmering on and off.
    Aircraft Navigation lights are red strobe ( left wing ) Green strobe (right wing ) 
    and white strobe. These were NOT plane or helicopters. No noise whatsoever.
    Bright as the Sun.
    All i can say is seeing is believing,and i did.
    Maybe one Day you will to and won't come on here scoffing at other people.
    They are REAL. Heck knows what they are or what they want,but they ARE real. Fact.
    Our Scientists DO NOT know everything. Especially when they cannot fathom advanced Technology.
    Laugh all you want.
    They are real,they exist and they are here,and have been for who knows how long.
    And now the u.k and u.s.a Governments have admitted it.
    The best Tech you own is your flat screen t.v.
    That's all you know.
    You simply DO NOT have a clue.
    I,ll tell you this..
    Once you have seen one it will change the complete way you view the World.
    So keep Laughing people, it is YOU i pity.