constructive dismissal

Hi guys

So I am on the spectrum and I worked for one of the leading supermarkets in the country. 

We have had trouble, I mean real trouble with Anti-Social Behaviour and theft in our store from teenagers.

Often, I was asked to watch them and then last year I had something thrown at me and I was subjected to the most vile abuse. A system was meant to be in place to kick them out but one manager forgot and it happened again. 

Well mentally it broke me and I am still recovering. At my last meeting I was told they were going to move to dismiss me. I resigned and said I would pursue legal action. 

Then I was told I had "misinterpreted the conversation."

Anyway it's at ACAS and haven't heard anything. I am representing myself, though I don't go anywhere without someone now. Solicitors aren't interested. 

However I did Law at degree and postgraduate level, so at least that is something. 

I am just grateful I live at home. 

  • Well mentally it broke me and I am still recovering.

    I think a key thing for your case is proving the link between the event and your subsequent breakdown. Do you have enough supporting evidence for this?

    Witnesses to your behaviour leading up to it and subsequently?

    Therapist reports following the event?

    CCTV of the event itself will be very useful too - make sure to get a copy before they overwrite it.

    Good luck

  • Hi, 

    I do have all of the above. We are in mediation at present. 

    The issue is how they dealt with the process of absence after it. No proper reasonable adjustments which led to being forced to resign. 

  • Hi, 

    I do have all of the above. We are in mediation at present. 

    The issue is how they dealt with the process of absence after it. No proper reasonable adjustments which led to being forced to resign. 

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