Everyone should read this

It's quite full on, starting with the title (! Sorry it's a bit scary), but it's honestly helped me change my mindset pretty much overnight! (has taken me 4 days to read start to finish).

It's a bit heavy going midway through, but worth reading it all I promise. I couldn't put this book down!!

Whether you are a sceptic or not, the messages it carriers are particularly important for us in this community.

Let me know what you think and if it is useful Thumbsup

  • Just had a wee look on the interweb. I notice the author has written another book called What If This Is Heaven? 

    It's something I have often pondered... That rather than Heaven and Hell being destinations we arrive at when we die, they are things we experience from the moment we are born.

  • There's a song by The Mountain Goats where he sings about how we need to be good because in heaven there are Golden Boy peanuts and in hell there are none. But we're now living in a world where the company no longer makes those peanuts, so we are possibly in hell and didn't notice. 

    It would kinda track with the last few years...

    OP, I will see if the library has a copy of yon book. 

  • There's a song by The Mountain Goats where he sings about how we need to be good because in heaven there are Golden Boy peanuts and in hell there are none. But we're now living in a world where the company no longer makes those peanuts, so we are possibly in hell and didn't notice. 

    It would kinda track with the last few years...

    OP, I will see if the library has a copy of yon book. 
