Getting diagnosed as an adult

Hi, this is my first post. 

How does anyone approach their GP about how to get diagnosed? I am only wondering because a few years ago while I was expecting a baby my midwife at the time reported me to social services for signs of me being autistic. At the time, I was frustrated and then as years went by I thought more about what the midwife said and thought she may be right. I did a few tests and they say I am very likely to be autistic. I would like to know for my own sake and peace of mind.

I just don't know how to approach the GP about it. Where I come from I don't see a regular GP/family GP who knows my medical history. I get really anxious to speak to someone and get really muddled. I want to find the right words when I finally pluck up the courage to speak to my GP just don't know what to say or how. Has anyone had experience of this?


  • Hi, if you are in England you can book an appointment with your GP through the NHS app. I did this as I struggle with telephones.  Explain what you have just posted, make a list of how autism affects you and anything else you think is relevant. I chose a face to face appointment as I find zoom appointments cause anxiety for me. You will most probably be given an AQ50 test to complete, maybe do one online and take the results with you.

  • Hi, if you are in England you can book an appointment with your GP through the NHS app. I did this as I struggle with telephones.  Explain what you have just posted, make a list of how autism affects you and anything else you think is relevant. I chose a face to face appointment as I find zoom appointments cause anxiety for me. You will most probably be given an AQ50 test to complete, maybe do one online and take the results with you.

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