
Good morning all and home everyone is having an enjoyable Sunday.

I wonder if I can ask about ear plugs please?  The reason being, I was invited out last night to see/hear a band at my local club, it was enjoyable at first, loud, but I could cope without too much discomfort, but when they came on for the second half, they'd cranked up the volume and the pain was instant and shocking, I couldn't deal with it and headed outside. My friend followed me out and asked what the problem was, she knows I'm on the spectrum and have an issue with noise, but she told me she didn't think the noise was too bad.  I apologised to her and said I couldn't go back in, she went back in to get my coat and I stood and felt horrible and embarrassed. When she returned, I thanked her, apologised again and came home.

As is my way, I've more or less been awake most of the night, feeling guilty, torturing myself and wondering what I could do to stop abandoning my friends on a night out and when the noise is excessive.  I had a look on the internet and found Paul, from Autism from the inside and he reviewed the Loop Quiet earplugs and he seemed to find them very good.  Sadly, I have an issue with my ears, I have excema in them, develop a lot of wax and really struggle if I have to go my doctors for treatment or an exam of the ear canal.

So, can anyone offer a suggestion or recommend something I can use please?

Thank you.


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