Please help/ advice needed about the assessment

Good morning everyone, 

It's my first time posting here. I have been coming here for long time now but I have never managed to post anything at all. I really need some advice/ help, please?

I am nearly 30 years old woman. I have 5 years old daughter. For 1 and a half year I have been asking for ASD assessment. I struggle very much, just slowly coming out of crisis now. I have long history of going to orthopaedics, neurologists, psychologist, counsellors from early childhood. I suffer from anxiety, depression and complex post traumatic stress disorder. I self-harm from young age. I have tried to take my own life several times. I am under the care of CMHT for a while now. I have been sent between professionals regarding the ASD diagnosis.  First nobody knew who can diagnose adult women in my county.  It turned out that place which diagnosed me with c-PTSD diagnose ASD in my county but they have discharged me and sent me to CMHT because they are not trained enough to deal with my c-PTSD. The CMHT took me on and offered some sessions with them which didn't help, I am afraid. In the meantime one private counsellor suggested possible ASD. She sent a letter to my GP asking for assesment in March  2022. Since then I am being pushed backwards and forwards between professionals. The CMHT say they are not specialised in ASD assessments and they don't know who does. They have sent me to the GP. The GP made a referral but I have just received a letter yesterday stating that they can't accept the referral because I am under the care of CMHT and the assessment should be sought from their side. They say that my referral was carefully assessed and they are confident I show high number of autistic traits but they cannot accept my referral because I am under the CMHT care. From what I know they are the only professionals who do the assessment within NHS in my area. It is very long story and I struggle to put it into words/explain it all but I am in this sort of situation for 1 and a half year now. I don't know how to deal with that  anymore. I don't have any family who can support me. My parents died years ago. My situation is complicated. I am single mother and I am solely responsible for my daughter. My last suicide attempt was in June 2023 and I have a social worker involved . (I struggled even to take my daughter to school and bring her back - that's one of many examples how I struggle with day to day life and responsibilities). I don't know what to do anymore with this assessment. Should I just give it all up? 

I would really appreciate if anyone can offer any advice for the situation please. 

Many many thanks in advance for any information and support. 

Thank you. 

  • The CMHT say they are not specialised in ASD assessments and they don't know who does

    CMHT would need to write to your GP to instruct them to give you a referral - simply bouncing you from pillar to post will not get this done, so I would insist CMHT take ownership of this task.

    If your GP refuses, ask him for this in writing as you will initiate a lawsuit for failure to exercise their duty of care (calling their bluff here).

    Once you have the referral then ask for a "right to choose" a private assessment (due to the 3 year lead time for an assessment on the NHS) and you should get one in somewehere between a few months and a year.

    Hopefully it will not require legal intervention but that may be a last option. Just remember to insist on communication be in writing so you can keep your lawyer informed of progress - this will scare them enough to do it properly I think.

    All this is only my opinion of course - not to be taken as legal or medical advice and to protect this website from any fallout,

  • The CMHT say they are not specialised in ASD assessments and they don't know who does

    CMHT would need to write to your GP to instruct them to give you a referral - simply bouncing you from pillar to post will not get this done, so I would insist CMHT take ownership of this task.

    If your GP refuses, ask him for this in writing as you will initiate a lawsuit for failure to exercise their duty of care (calling their bluff here).

    Once you have the referral then ask for a "right to choose" a private assessment (due to the 3 year lead time for an assessment on the NHS) and you should get one in somewehere between a few months and a year.

    Hopefully it will not require legal intervention but that may be a last option. Just remember to insist on communication be in writing so you can keep your lawyer informed of progress - this will scare them enough to do it properly I think.

    All this is only my opinion of course - not to be taken as legal or medical advice and to protect this website from any fallout,

  • It does sound like as patients we end up get passed from pillar to post. Its understanding what rights (if any) that we have to assert ourselves, otherwise we will just give up and I hope you dont give up.

    In Lancashire we go to GP they do the short questionnaire (as per NICE GUIDELINES) and then if you score over a certin number you can go into the referral to the autism assessment service. 

    I have not heard of a CMHT being able to do this but surely any professional can refer you - you can email both to request this and keep a track as Iain stated. I also sent my GP a list of reasons (via email again) as to why I struggled and what my traits were from my perspective. Its a bit like stating your entitlement to the assessment despite the outcome. My feedback is this afternoon!

    You can dispute the reasons why they cant continue with your assessment. Perhaps email a list as I did to state your reasons, keep a diary of what you notice within your daily life. It will really help your assessors/referral pathway.

    All the best to you -