Write or wrong?

Hi all,

I've just published my fourth book on Amazon and I'd love to get some feedback from anyone here who would be willing to purchase a copy and read it. It's not about making money for me; I hardly get anything back in royalties because I set the cover price as low as Amazon will let me,  but I just love writing stories and having people read them. Getting honest feedback helps me improve with each new book. I know I'm not supposed to reveal my real name on here but what are the rules on promoting what I suppose could loosely be classed as art? I wanted to ask first before just dropping details on here. If it's taboo then no problem; I won't take it any further.

  • Do you have some ISBNs for your work?

    A=BCD is right - but maybe just do an extract from your work to try to get our interest. A try-before-you-buy sort of thing.

    Congrats on getting to your 4th book by the way!

  • Yes, all books published on Amazon have an ISBN.

    My latest book spans two entirely different eras and just reading a sample extract wouldn't really be representative.

    From the responses received I feel that this is perhaps a sensitive issue so probably best if I leave it. The last thing I want to do is upset the apple cart.

    Thank you for your congratulations. Writing is my escape from what, for me, is often a difficult reality, and it feels good to finish a story.

  • Yes, all books published on Amazon have an ISBN.

    My latest book spans two entirely different eras and just reading a sample extract wouldn't really be representative.

    From the responses received I feel that this is perhaps a sensitive issue so probably best if I leave it. The last thing I want to do is upset the apple cart.

    Thank you for your congratulations. Writing is my escape from what, for me, is often a difficult reality, and it feels good to finish a story.

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