Write or wrong?

Hi all,

I've just published my fourth book on Amazon and I'd love to get some feedback from anyone here who would be willing to purchase a copy and read it. It's not about making money for me; I hardly get anything back in royalties because I set the cover price as low as Amazon will let me,  but I just love writing stories and having people read them. Getting honest feedback helps me improve with each new book. I know I'm not supposed to reveal my real name on here but what are the rules on promoting what I suppose could loosely be classed as art? I wanted to ask first before just dropping details on here. If it's taboo then no problem; I won't take it any further.

  • Yes, all books published on Amazon have an ISBN.

    My latest book spans two entirely different eras and just reading a sample extract wouldn't really be representative.

    From the responses received I feel that this is perhaps a sensitive issue so probably best if I leave it. The last thing I want to do is upset the apple cart.

    Thank you for your congratulations. Writing is my escape from what, for me, is often a difficult reality, and it feels good to finish a story.

  • Unfortunately I can't offer them for free. Amazon (KDP) dictate the prices. There is always a minimum price I can charge. I try to stick as close to this as possible to make sure my work is accessible, so don't make much from sales anyway. My question was really about the viability of mentioning the name of the book on this forum to see if anyone was interested. There are many contributors on here whose opinions I would value. If that's unacceptable then fair enough, I won't do it.

  • Do you have some ISBNs for your work?

    A=BCD is right - but maybe just do an extract from your work to try to get our interest. A try-before-you-buy sort of thing.

    Congrats on getting to your 4th book by the way!

  • If you've written more than one book you could put one up for free so you attract more people, then if they like what they read they will be more inclined to buy the next book.

  • Preferably, place your market competitors amongst them, so we can provide market-insight too..Nerd

  • Start a book-club thread full of new and obscure books, and place yours within it, so that when we get round to it, you’ll get your feedback..Nerd