Mod Conspiracy : Fact or Paranoia ?

Have been on NAS now for almost a Year and a half.
Sometimes i feel like the MOD'S are tracking me, like a secret service.
They could be the " Men in black " of the National Autistic Society.
They are watching silently,waiting for anybody to mispell a word, or even worse say something funny.
As the MOD'S are reading this i would just like to say that i think you are all the best things since sliced bread. ( Disclaimer )
Does NAS have a secret Society ?
I bet they know who shot JFK and what happened to Elvis.
Can the Mod's PLEASE tell me if the moon landing was really faked? 
Anyway, i refute all claims i am a naturally suspiscious Person.
Paranoid maybe, but i still love facts.
I hope the MOD'S are smiling or i will be bannished from this site.
If i suddenly Disappear from this site, it will be a cover-up of epic proportions.
They may even have a secret meeting later to discuss what to do with me.
If Laughter is the best Medicine then i will continue to try and put a smile on your face.
Yes i joke,but i am also sensitive to other people's feelings.
I might look like a Cat, but i don't bite Scream cat
Best wishes all.

  • I always wondered why people think the word conspiracy means crazy or paranoid.

    A conspiracy is an agreement where two or more people agree to carry their criminal scheme into effect, the very agreement is the criminal act itself.

    If I think a conspiracy has taken place but have no proof then its a theory.

    What's so crazy or paranoid about a conspiracy theory? 

    So if I observe an organised crime taking place with more than one criminal carrying out the crime, does that make me crazy or paranoid for calling it a conspiracy? 

    Example the recent mass shoplifting incident in London that was organised online was a conspiracy to theft.

  • I always wondered why people think the word conspiracy means crazy or paranoid.

    I think it is the context in which it is used most commonly - people thinking governments capable of running huge conspiracies where the only "proof" people are able to obtain is so tenuious or low quality that you have to "belive" in it for it to have "value".

    If you ever worked with government organisations or the military you would soon realise the institutional incompetence in the higher management would mean the sort of conspiracies that are often touted are absurd.

    The sort of individuals who seem to revel in believing these theories often tend to have a predisposition to believe in other tenuious theories, be paranoid, wear tinfoil hats etc which lead to them being perceived by the masses as being a a bit crazy.

    Haven worked with a few people who have this predispositon, I tend to agree that their grasp on reality is a bit tenuous.

    I think this is what leads them to be labelled as extreme or a bit crazy.

    That is not to say there are not conspiracies in the world, but these are normally fairly easy to prove.

    Anyway, you asked why and i have tried to answer as best I can.

  • avoidance tactic

    Should read "cover up"

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