Mod Conspiracy : Fact or Paranoia ?

Have been on NAS now for almost a Year and a half.
Sometimes i feel like the MOD'S are tracking me, like a secret service.
They could be the " Men in black " of the National Autistic Society.
They are watching silently,waiting for anybody to mispell a word, or even worse say something funny.
As the MOD'S are reading this i would just like to say that i think you are all the best things since sliced bread. ( Disclaimer )
Does NAS have a secret Society ?
I bet they know who shot JFK and what happened to Elvis.
Can the Mod's PLEASE tell me if the moon landing was really faked? 
Anyway, i refute all claims i am a naturally suspiscious Person.
Paranoid maybe, but i still love facts.
I hope the MOD'S are smiling or i will be bannished from this site.
If i suddenly Disappear from this site, it will be a cover-up of epic proportions.
They may even have a secret meeting later to discuss what to do with me.
If Laughter is the best Medicine then i will continue to try and put a smile on your face.
Yes i joke,but i am also sensitive to other people's feelings.
I might look like a Cat, but i don't bite Scream cat
Best wishes all.

  • I don't think it is the moderators you necessarily need to feel paranoid about, but NAS's anti-spam software known as Akismet, which NAS admits is far from perfect.

    Many members (including myself) have attempted to post completely harmless and inoffensive content, only to discover that Akismet deems it abusive, and no chance of it ever appearing on the forums unless we appeal.

    If it isn't the content that Akismet objects to, then all it might take for Akismet to spring into action is for a member to edit something they have posted, perhaps because they wish to correct a typing error. For some inexplicable reason, Akismet then deems them to be guilty of spamming. It can be the same when members quote other members.

    What I find almost laughable is that Akismet isn't always quite so good at jettisoning content by spambots off the forums.

  • Be careful what you say about Akismet. He's very sensitive.

  • If I whisper, perhaps 'he' won't be quite as sensitive. Wink

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