
Morning all,

Hope everyone is well. My son was diagnosed this year with Autism. I wanted to ask for advice. Lately my Son has become demanding, example, if I sit down he says no mummy over there and makes me move, he does this with everyone, tells them where to sit and demands they move to the place he picks. He has also started to tell me what to say, so if I say its bed time now, he says "No Mummy say bed time" and he will repeat this untill I say ok. Also if I tell him to be careful when his playing or tell him to calm down, he gets very upset and angry, he says NO MUMMY SAY CALM DOWN'

is this behaviour part of ASD? He is very demanding and comes across as controlling. He is 5.

Thank you xx

  • Okie okie.. Perhaps it may be worth considering non-declarative means of avoiding his avoidance..

    For example, giving him something to follow, or tying special-interest and procedure surrounding special-interest to the daily-tasks that he seems to have an aversion to..?

  • It is only just us 2, so nobody. When he had his assesment the ASD professional said he displays PDA. 

  • In any traditional animal or human pack environment, the youngest are at the bottom of the pecking order so by allowing your youngest to behave in this way you are creating a distorted sense of power and control that is likely to give you a lot of problems in the future.

    I know he is autistic but that does not give him the right to command anyone in the family. Standing up to this and teaching him his place is important I feel - no need to getting physical but you will probably have a stand off and tantrums while he comes to accept being put in his place.

    Please ensure to speak to the school about this so his support team there are aware of his predisposition to demanding things and you present a united front to establish reasonable boundaries for all involved.

    It won't be pleasant but I expect it will be brief and the longer term benefits are worth it.

  • Who has he learned these command prompts from..?

  • Sound like he needs desperate psychoanalysis