Burnout experiences?

Hello community,

Back for a third post, still trying to figure things out following the diagnosis about a month ago.  If anyone would be willing to share their experience of burnout, especially long-term/chronic burnout and recovery, it would be really helpful. Interested also in whether anyone has experienced a kind of repetitive burnout, i.e. crossing into burnout territory, making an incomplete recovery, crossing into burnout again and then doing this as a long-term cycle.  Is there any experience of burnout where executive function seems to switch on for external demands, such as work, but then the entire rest of the time everything seems to be broken and dysfunctional until the next demand rolls in?  Could be I'm mixing burnout and meltdowns, although from what I've studied into meltdowns tend to be an acute event, whereas burnouts are more chronic in nature.

Any insights would be useful.

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