Any help / guidance

Hello all

i have just joined the forum and could do with some advice please

i am a 49 year old male who is trying to get an assessment for autism

the first referral from my gp around November 2021 was refused, I was then put on a waiting list to speak to a psychologist about my mental health, I had to wait over a year and a half for Ann appt to be given a trainee that discharged me as we weren’t getting any where, but she did do a referral for another asd assessment, this was in May this year.

as I never heard anything I telephoned the autism centre where the referral was made and was told the referral has been made but it will take some time to be triaged to see if I can get on the waiting list and if I do make it to the waiting list it will be a 2-3 year wait for an assessment 

I asked both my gp and psychologist for an O/C as I find it difficult to live in my current accommodation but the I/C refused as I have no mobility issues

i am living in private accommodation and the tenancy is a rolling contract that feels me with fear as I have no stability, the council refuse me to join social housing register as I am not homeless I am self harming as I live with alcoholic and junkies who make so much noise at night

sorry about the long post I just don’t know where to turn or what to do

  • KolaKube, Hi

    I'm sorry to read of your circumstanaces, it all sounds pretty horrendous,

    I think the council have given you incorrect information.  I don't think you have to be actually homeless to qualify to go on the social housing register.  Maybe you should have a word with Citizens Advice, or Shelter.  Or how about contacting your local councillor? Or, of course, you could always contact your local MP; many of them hold 'surgeries' these days so you can meet them face to face and tell them your situation.

    I'm just sorry I can't offer more advice.


  • KolaKube, Hi

    I'm sorry to read of your circumstanaces, it all sounds pretty horrendous,

    I think the council have given you incorrect information.  I don't think you have to be actually homeless to qualify to go on the social housing register.  Maybe you should have a word with Citizens Advice, or Shelter.  Or how about contacting your local councillor? Or, of course, you could always contact your local MP; many of them hold 'surgeries' these days so you can meet them face to face and tell them your situation.

    I'm just sorry I can't offer more advice.


  • Hi Ben

    thanks for the reply appreciated.

    the council told me that if I am not happy with their reply to go to the lgsco which I did but they sided with the council.

    I have contacted citizens advice many times but they were of no help just gave me the number for shelter, when I rang shelter they said there are many cases similar to mine and that if their lawyer don’t contact me then they can’t help, their lawyer never contacted me

    i sent an email to my mp which was answered by her secretary who asked for more info, once I gave the info the secretary said the mp is aware of housing shortages and is raising it in parliament and that was the end of that. 

    I haven’t contacted the councillor as when I don’t get any help I become distressed and self harm