Scared to bring my Autist Son into the UK

New to this group, i am from Nigeria, I have a 5years old son with autism that i am bringing into the country next month but really scared of his chances and how we will survive as a family. Time and financial implications. it will be nice to have enlightening information and some like minds to speak with.

  • thanks a lot for this....

  • The UK has many problems but I don’t believe it’s record on autistic children is particularly bad relative to Nigeria at least. Not that I’m any kind of expert on Nigerian special-needs policy.

    he has a diagnosis even though it was done abroad I imagine that will carry weight. Generally our schools are required to make special adjustments for autistic students although they don’t always do it as they should. When schools do a bad job of accommodating autistic children there are appeals and systems where you can try and get them held to account. In the most extreme examples it is possible to take schools to court over the way they treat autistic children in a kind of tribunal.

    if an autistic child’s needs are extreme it’s possible to get a special plan approved by the government Setting out what extra assistance and help the local education authority must provide for your child.

    these things are not necessarily easy. Schools can sometimes try to dodge their responsibilities. But they do have responsibilities and if you fight it is often although  not always possible to force them to do what they ought to do.

  • You have a valid concern, however children are prioritised with special needs schools and further social needs resources.  There are many others who could probably be more specific than I with many links to organisations in this regard.