Answering Questions without preparation

Does anyone else gets thrown by questions?

Examples for me are, having to come up with something on a course, especially that thing they do sometimes where everyone has to introduce themselves.

Interviews are difficult because I can never think of examples on the spot.

I even was thrown recently when asked in a situation when asked what my favourite song was.

These kind of things make me panic that I have to think of something quickly.

  • I find that it can very much depend upon the situation... What is the question being asked, who is asking, and are they someone I know, like, or feel comfortable with?

    In a formal setting, I am far more likely to struggle. In a relaxed setting with people who know me well, I may get thrown, but I'm far more likely to make light of it and respond with something along the lines of, "Trust you to ask me a question like that!" This will be said in a friendly, lighthearted tone of voice, with a twinkle in my eye and a smile on my face.

    Some questions, even the most simple of questions can be enough to throw me. I too would probably struggle to name my favourite song, as what might be a favourite song one day, could be something completely different another day. 

  • Yes that is true, the setting does make a lot of difference. Another thing I find hard sometimes is naming something common, especially difficult in a work situation. It will come in the end but not always at the time I needed it. 

  • Whilst I cannot currently relate to the difficulty in a work environment, I can relate to the difficulty of being unable to name things in other areas of my life.

    When my grandma was alive, it became a bit of a running joke that when she couldn't remember the name of something, it would be referred to as the "thingy". As one might imagine, it could be confusing when there were numerous "thingies", making it hard to determine the particular "thingy" she was referring to.

    I am often reminded of my grandma, as I now find that "thingy" features in my own vocabulary. One of the many joys of getting older. Laughing 

  • Especially considering that there can be multiple meanings to word ‘thingy’.. room for misunderstanding I should imagine..Sweat smile

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