i think my jobs broken me

not sure if im having a mental breakdown or not, but my jobs been really shitty and my supervisor has acted like a *** for the entirety of my employment and is related to all the other supervisors so when he hates you they all gang up on you. he ran his shift *** and it really dunked on me. so many arguments with him and so many punishments and file notes and telling off for nothing all the time.

i reported him like 3 times now and all his *** just gets brushed off and at maximum they just made him apologise to me but he carried on and carried on giving me actual punishments and holding my career back despite being the hardest worker that can do everything and gets most done fastest.

in this recent dispute he suspended me but i managed to get a transfer temporary to this other shift that starts 7am and is so chill as it has no supervisors over it, its been so happy there and i get left alone, it made me feel what work supposed to be like, without being harrassed all the time. it was nice, my personality was brighter there. then just today manager told me i have to attend a disciplinery hearing tommorow and they will also discuss my shift times so i think not only am i being punished again but i might be moved back to the *** shift that feels so aweful and miserable.

immediately my mood changed from happy to really sad and depressed upon thought of potentially hearing i have to go back to that other shift. i dont know if that will be the cae but i will find out tommorow but the fact its a possibility and will be discussed tommorow destroyed my mood entirely and i had immense emotional pressure in my head and felt really bad even sick to the stomach.... then that bully supervisors brother came along and added salt in the wound by telling me that someone who i think is my friend from work on facebook has been ratting me in to try get me in trouble too. i couldnt take it, i had to just discretely walk off to the shitty portaloos they have and lock myself in. i cant control my emotions no more, ive been crying since i got home none stop uncontrolled, i think my workplace is making me very sick, my old shift, the thought of going back there. i want nothing to do with that or with the supervisors of it ever again. i cant stand even the thought of going back it just destroys my mood.

they know this though, in one of the many meetings they had to harrass and punish me i did break down crying, since then i can no longer seem to control my emotions. the fact i had to lock myself in a portaloo today proves its done something to me and i can no longer control my emotions on the issue of my old work shift that i might have to go back to. they did offer me eap work counselling but i just dont want to go back to that shift, but im not sure they care, we will have to see tommorow. but for sure i cant cope with this job no more if i have to go back to my original shift.

  • honestly i cant properly express to any of you how bad this company is to work for.
    some of you guessed amazon, but honestly its worse treatment than amazon, amazon is better than this, this is far worse.

    the punishments here are so heavy handed and constant, their supervisors have nothing else to do it seems so they just make life difficult and harass everyone constantly. anything you can think of you can get a file not or disciplinary for, your not even allowed to be sick... if you have so much as 3 sick days off in a single year period you get a disciplinary. is that normal in companies? im sure it isnt.... you have a mobile phone? thats a file note you just got and your phone will be confiscated lol

    have a bit of fun at work? talk to colleagues in the warehouse? nope, any fun you have will be twisted by supervisors to seem like you did a really evil act and you get punishment procedure against you, any talking you get told to shut up and shouted at for and threatened with disciplinary.

    i cant really express how bad the place is as not even my words truly show it, theres alot more so much that its all easy to miss a great load of stuff, and because i havent really worked before theres likely alot of bad stuff that go over my head and currently think of as normal as i dont know much better... but its weird place, my parents in all their working life have never got file notes or disciplinaries.... while i have 2 file notes a suspension, a disciplinary and a final warning... my parents never got anything like this in all their working life, my parents have multiple days off sick a year and take their phones into work, that alone would get them so much punishments where i work here that they would be fired.

    this company, it has a bad reputation, but it isnt the workers fault, the workers are good, its the supervisors fault, the managements fault. everyone says the same, but in the end its generally the couriers and other workers that get alot of the hit from the companies bad reputation, but this is all supervisor and management fault, its a really *** company that punishes staff so much and everyone here is really depressed. no other jobs though, likely company knows this and thats why they feel they can get away with such horrid behaviour and treatment of staff.

  • my concerns were mostly ignored, virtue signalled at for the first part but ignored and nothing changed. i even told them i felt suicidal and threatened to cut my wrists with the scissors at work and they just virtue signal at first but yet they continued to dole out heavy handed pointless punishments that they saw was causing me distress and confusion even after that.

  • I am so sorry.

    Virtual hugs.

    Typical management expect you to do everything. They don't care about anything except profit. If you start to 'cost' them then you get disciplined.

    I worked in a supermarket which was bad enough but this... this sounds like torture.

    I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. I truly am.

  • I am so sorry.

    Virtual hugs.

    Typical management expect you to do everything. They don't care about anything except profit. If you start to 'cost' them then you get disciplined.

    I worked in a supermarket which was bad enough but this... this sounds like torture.

    I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. I truly am.

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