Scared to Work

I've been offered a fantastic opportunity to work with a children's nursery which also offers training so that before long I'll be on a £20,000 per year salary which wouldn't go amiss in these expensive times. 

I'd love to work but my anxiety is railing me. I'm terrified of getting sick with a stomach bug and I've spent the last 10 years hiding away so I don't get a sick bug. In those 10 years I've vomited once and that was because of acid reflux from bad anxiety. 

God I am scared stiff of getting a stomach bug!!! I can't begin to say how much going to work and getting sick scares me! 

But times are hard. My family and I need the money if I don't go to work things will be tough. And I've got the job I just need to go in over a month's time. 

But my immune system is already poor. I get colds all the time and always tired and working with 3-5 year olds I'm bound to get sick probably quickly. 

I wish I wasn't so scared of being sick. But I am it's my biggest fear! 

I want to work but I'm scared I don't know what to do to get over this. 

  • Hello Little Miss Autism.

    What a fabulous opportunity! I understand your anxieties but don't let your horrible anxiety ruin such an amazing opportunity for you. Working with children is such a fun and rewarding experience and as you mix with them your immune system will grow stronger and you will feel a lot better in yourself when it does.

    At the end of the day it is ultimately your choice on what you do but if I were you I would jump at the chance to do this.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


  • Hello Little Miss Autism.

    What a fabulous opportunity! I understand your anxieties but don't let your horrible anxiety ruin such an amazing opportunity for you. Working with children is such a fun and rewarding experience and as you mix with them your immune system will grow stronger and you will feel a lot better in yourself when it does.

    At the end of the day it is ultimately your choice on what you do but if I were you I would jump at the chance to do this.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


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