Future For Dependent Adults

This is a question I find I ask myself a lot. 

What's the future going to be like for dependent adults? 

I'm not independent. I've tried, I really have but each time the pressure gets too much, stress builds and I am crippled mentally, emotionally and physically... and then my mental health team intervene and I'm sectioned so I can be put back on the straight and narrow.

My parents are on about me living in assisted living, so I'm semi independent but there will always be someone nearby who can check in on me and help me with different things.

This isn't really the sort of future I envisioned for myself but each year that passes it is looking more and more like this is MY future.

I really wish there was more support out there. I feel like the right support and I'd be able to achieve my independence but it seems that only children get support on the spectrum. When you're an adult you have to go it on your own.

I don't know if I should try to get to a more independent life for myself or if I'm really not capable of it.

  • Well assisted-living is definitely a step in the right direction, if independence is what you’re looking for, not that independence is really a good thing to aim for.
    However for me, reality has revealed itself to be far more intricate and multi-dimensional, than the linear-path of my expectation had limited me to.  
    No plan ever survives first-contact with the enemy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get there, it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t have a fulfilling life, and certainly doesn’t mean you can’t-revise your plan..:)

  • Well assisted-living is definitely a step in the right direction, if independence is what you’re looking for, not that independence is really a good thing to aim for.
    However for me, reality has revealed itself to be far more intricate and multi-dimensional, than the linear-path of my expectation had limited me to.  
    No plan ever survives first-contact with the enemy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get there, it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t have a fulfilling life, and certainly doesn’t mean you can’t-revise your plan..:)

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