Future For Dependent Adults

This is a question I find I ask myself a lot. 

What's the future going to be like for dependent adults? 

I'm not independent. I've tried, I really have but each time the pressure gets too much, stress builds and I am crippled mentally, emotionally and physically... and then my mental health team intervene and I'm sectioned so I can be put back on the straight and narrow.

My parents are on about me living in assisted living, so I'm semi independent but there will always be someone nearby who can check in on me and help me with different things.

This isn't really the sort of future I envisioned for myself but each year that passes it is looking more and more like this is MY future.

I really wish there was more support out there. I feel like the right support and I'd be able to achieve my independence but it seems that only children get support on the spectrum. When you're an adult you have to go it on your own.

I don't know if I should try to get to a more independent life for myself or if I'm really not capable of it.

  • I don't know if I should try to get to a more independent life for myself or if I'm really not capable of it.

    I think it comes down to money at the end of the day.

    There is a limited pool of cash in the social services for each service and within each service they have to allocate the cash to the most needy recipients.

    I suspect your are seen as a low needs recipient compared to a child as you already have a support system in place.

    It would be great to improve the quality of life for you but this is not a priority for social services when so many other, higher priority areas are in need of the money.

    I think your best way forward is to work on developing independence as far as you are able to, even if this takes you out of your comfort zone. Your parents wo't be around forever so working out what to do when they are not around to help will be important.

    If you can get access to a therapist then they should be able to help develop the skills and process the challenges you face.

    Good luck with whatever path you choose.

  • I don't know if I should try to get to a more independent life for myself or if I'm really not capable of it.

    I think it comes down to money at the end of the day.

    There is a limited pool of cash in the social services for each service and within each service they have to allocate the cash to the most needy recipients.

    I suspect your are seen as a low needs recipient compared to a child as you already have a support system in place.

    It would be great to improve the quality of life for you but this is not a priority for social services when so many other, higher priority areas are in need of the money.

    I think your best way forward is to work on developing independence as far as you are able to, even if this takes you out of your comfort zone. Your parents wo't be around forever so working out what to do when they are not around to help will be important.

    If you can get access to a therapist then they should be able to help develop the skills and process the challenges you face.

    Good luck with whatever path you choose.

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