Rule 13: the last nail in NAS's coffin?

Today completes an important step for the National Autistic Society. Today with Rule 13 they complete the abdication of responsibility for supporting autistic adults reaching out for help.

You may remember in 2021 that the National Autistic Society closed its general helpline. There was a thread about it on this forum. As was pointed out at the time from that point onwards this forum became the only port of call at the National Autistic Society for help for people who did not qualify for one of the remaining helplines.

And the remaining helplines pertain to children in school, children leaving school and parents of autistic children. The National Autistic Society has become a defacto children’s charity leaving autistic adults out in the cold.

Now not content with refusing to help autistic adults they now seek to reduce autistic adults ability to help each other. I fully admit that a bunch of amateurs on an autistic support forum is a poor substitute for professional help. However the vast majority of those seeking such help now have nowhere to go professional or otherwise.

Some of you know that I also brought a lawsuit against an organisation for discrimination. I reached out to the citizens advice bureau and got no useful help. I reached out to the EASS and they said that they couldn’t help me because the other party would not engage with them. I wrote to established academics with a background in discrimination law and autism and they said they couldn’t help me.

Yes I rang that autism helpline back when it existed, back when I tried to get some justice and they said we can’t help you. But at least I spoke to someone who admitted that he was supposed to be able to help me. That helping me was what he was there for.

With regard to the law when you bring a case for discrimination most of the time legal aid is not available. This is in part because the majority of discrimination cases go through the small claims track which is intended to operate without lawyers.

Something similar applies to the health service. It’s very easy for autistic people to get sidelined in the health service particularly if they are bad at articulating their needs and concerns. Again I know this from personal experience.

At this point if autistic adults come to this forum or the loved ones of autistic adults come to this forum and say they are having difficulty with the law or discrimination or a medical issue rule 13 interpreted strictly means that we can provide no helpful advice other than pointing to sources of help that in fact do not exist.

For quite some time now I have run a website dedicated to helping autistic people defend their rights and oppose discrimination. I chose not to include a forum on that website because I was aware that policing it could involve a substantial amount of work. However this development has persuaded me to change my mind. So I’m announcing that now has a forum for autistic people. The focus of this forum like the website is advocating for autistic rights in government policy and the law and opposing discrimination. You are all very much welcome there.

  • @Peter.Hi(.I try to reply on trolls.So they have always existed.Clear that on a small forum they are devastating.In the Forums where I have written so far they have been a bad occurrence, consider that there are many people with mental disorders.Some do not they don't even do it out of malice in my opinion. Others yes. If I can always give you my opinion, there are support forums for those who create new ones. And you try to ask those for advice on how they do it. § Sorry, it's very clear to me what you write.While it's not me, I'm sorry.§It's true about not knowing you.But in my opinion the problem is not only that.NAS for example from what I understand has a solid basis of credibility gained over many years .Then in the forum.§It has a small user base.I prefer a small base .Because they will be valid users.§The diagnoses of autism are too many.Some will not be of autism, but of something similar. there are many syndromes. And up until 5 years ago our number was small. § Many autistics have comorbid diagnoses, and things intersect. § I would also like to clarify some findings. It does not correspond to reality, the fact that valid diagnoses cannot be made ,. That is, in addition to Precision Medicine. Where, between simple and targeted blood tests, genetic tests can also be done. SI can directly and immediately understand both, for example, disorders, syndromes, aniseed, not only anxiety, autism, comorbidities, depressions. It is enough for doctors to insert the right requests to their colleagues and to look for specific markers. This is valid for any problem of all types. The diagnosis exists, and it is also a hyper-fast diagnosis. § In my country we have a system that in some Regions works wonderfully for minors. It can be diagnosed very early, or in a range of two years (late) or in adulthood for a fee or on research. §Therapies ditto: there are many and for minors it is It is essential that they are diagnosed immediately. The improvements are incredible. So that no one is psychologically discouraged, I am referring to the parents. Always have faith § At least with us, there are valid diagnoses in this. But one must not go beyond the age of majority after everything becomes so difficult. § The UK is a Nation of absolute importance in many cases. Often they are exemplary. Sometimes, like everyone else, they have problems. § Our Healthcare functioned but then the last Governments made a mistake by ruining it. § Treatment, diagnosis and therapies exist and there is much more of which we do not use.§As regards what the other users have written to you, there are many things that I agree with.I don't like it but I have read.§You are years old here, it also means that you, Peter, are definitely a valid person, (I understand it from the way you write ).Only that you don't have a strong base like a forum like this.§You could make use of forming groups on facebook and and those are also very important.Then there are other sites as well.The important thing is to help people.§The public of some siti is biologically very old (Even if we have peculiarities that don't make us age in our brain structure. intelligence is mixed but does not become crystallized, it remains fluid, then the neuronal interconnections are different from what is thought for NTs, but fora every brain works like this. Except for the fact that our structure is completely different from theirs. Neurons cannot only communicate with the synapses in agreement, but also on very distant and inverse areas. A very old friend has recovered from a heart attack that led to a serious stroke. § But something wonderful happens even for neurotypical people in a phase of serious crisis .


    Troll problem, ask the forum, I still doubt that without any basis it will be possible to form an extended group of autistics.
    § The rules: In my opinion, some can be revised, but rest assured that the freedom you enjoy here with us is we really dream of it!§Write something and you risk recall and ban immediately.Here, however, you appeal and they evaluate it afterwards.However, the forum leaves you a certain space that you would not have at all with us.§The rules applied to us autistics are a double weapon cut. If too peremptory, the discussion is abandoned. § Of course, if the user is clearly incorrect, then it must certainly be regulated. § Leave the discussion free. therefore according to the management of respect and good faith, avoiding flames, and always being ready to assert yourself is fundamental. The management of the community also depends on us, I meant that. Then the rules: whoever interviews does a lot of work because they have to read everything the published.Therefore it is not pleasant.§Even writing things in which you film the user is not pleasant§Therefore do not think of a group of harassed users, and of a forum conjugation fguppe as harassing.§We are in a place which without rules would have closed immediately. § A non-indexable space can be created in the forum, but it is only intended for users who do not want to end up on the internet. § Many of my posts are on the internet, but they are helpful. And I am pleased.

  • Two things:
    U a for those who rate community posts.
    Some of your posts ended up in the spam box!
    I don't know if there is still a response to a dispute.
    If so, give me more time, and excuse me because it just didn't appear to me.
    They were different (many) I thought they were all accepted
    Thank you
    Peter: I like the way you write and think, the feedback is trusted.
    For me you have my trust.
    I would like to read your posts here.
    Maybe all together we will be able to understand each other better even on the rules.
    Sorry for the first part, but now after reading the spam I've seen so many NAS messages and it's a bug in my software for which I apologize.
    For the rest ; I do not conceive that there are people in bad faith, nor wickedness.
    I struggle to understand these things.
    I always think positive about users.
    Then there will be those who disappoint me.
  • The spam function is frustrating. And frankly its discriminating too. I suspect in your case the fact you're writing english as a second language is causing more of your posts to be flagged. That's arguably discrimination on the basis of race. I'd give you some advice about what to do about that but evidently I'm not allowed. Stuck out tongue

    I strongly suspect the mods will put their heads in the sand and won't stick their heads above the parapet until the next controversial thread pops up where some one 'sharing their experience' or providing 'information' or 'support.' At which point the issue of when support is advice will come up again. You see unless you define advice quite narrowly as saying something like "I think you should do this" it's hard to define what advice is.

    A person could come to the forum and say "X, Y and Z happened to me and I don't know what to do." And I might respond to them by saying, "Well I can't advice you about your situation but in hypothetical situations where X, Y and Z options can be A, B and C and if P A has some pros and if Q C has some cons." That might be interpreted as advice. They certainly might infer a course of action from it. Or I might say "I was in a situation where X, Y and Z happened and what I did was A, B and C because P and Q." Any sort of constructive support, anything short of saying, 'well sucks to be you,' could be potentially interpreted as advice. And frankly I'm not interested in offering people mere sympathy and I'm sure they're not here looking for that either.

    So mark my words this will come up again. The mods will ignore 'support' until they think the support is suggesting (abet implicitly) a course of action they don't approve of and at that point the support will magically become advice.

  • Tell that to Chez Copeland.

  • Hi : spam function is frustrating.True.Icides that I don't speak English true.It affects that I get the format wrong and it only happens here true.Because they are also incompatible.§I wrote to whoever directed it and kindness in the replies led me to to stay. §But in fact it is something that will repeat itself. The first to blame myself is me, after all I'm not good at writing in English, I'm dysgraphic so I review everything in my language too before posting I do it 10 times. I don't I'm joking with an error corrector.§Here I do it by also correcting the language, because I understand the writing, but I haven't updated in your language and my nation is now very up-to-date with high-level schools.§Keep in mind that the 'Italian was a language that was not used in Italy, first we used Latin, then French! §I'll give you an example: Camillo Benso Conte Di Cavour wrote us letters in French. My father and mother spoke several languages including French and German, Italy if you understand history was a group of potentates all of them German-speaking, with us there were the Austrians


    In my opinion, the mods comply with the regulation, but beyond that they cannot do, because it is based on algorithms that are circular.

    They are based on elements that are circular (Dog chasing its tail).
    A leads to B , they are not algorithms that contemplate different functions and automatically spam.
    Initially I thought someone reported.

    But I don't think so: also because reporting kind posts, and then not being evaluated in the profile, automatically makes them trolls towards me.


    On medical advice in forums is always a problem.

    A contact of mine who had dropped out of school went on to obtain a degree.

    He was sued because as a genius he arrived at unusual conclusions, but he had to make some arguments that the others then denounced.

    He now he says the same things and is a doctor!

    The Forum belonged to him!

    He says the exact same things as before.


    Then, in any case, the line between medical advice and an attempt to help is very thin.

    We'll all fail again anyway.


    And here I don't master the language at all, I know what to do with here and the regulations are crazy here!


    On medical advice in forums is always a problem.

    A contact of mine who had dropped out of school went on to obtain a degree.

    He was sued because as a genius he arrived at unusual conclusions, but he had to make some arguments that the others then denounced.

    He now he says the same things and is a doctor!

    The Forum belonged to him!

    He says the exact same things as before.


    Then, in any case, the line between medical advice and an attempt to help is very thin.

    We'll all fail again anyway.


    And here I don't master the language at all, I know what to do with here and the regulations are crazy here!


    The basis of Ethnicity you mean?

    Because the Italians are many ethnic groups, the Romans themselves have made them the most diverse ethnic groups in the world except the oriental ones.
    Now you would find in Italy a huge percentage of the black skinned population.

    If a person violates racial norms, for example, he commits a criminal offense with us.

    In practice, there is no Italian as they imagine it outside of Italy.
    In my region we are assimilated into Celtic sports...

    I can't tell you if there are more people with African or Northern European ethnicity, for example, one in ten of us is blond.

    The cultural mix is so beautiful!


    On medical advice in forums is always a problem.

    A contact of mine who had dropped out of school went on to obtain a degree.

    He was sued because as a genius he arrived at unusual conclusions, but he had to make some arguments that the others then denounced.

    He now he says the same things and is a doctor!

    The Forum belonged to him!

    He says the exact same things as before.


    Then, in any case, the line between medical advice and an attempt to help is very thin.

    We'll all fail again anyway.


    And here I don't master the language at all, I know what to do with here and the regulations are crazy here!


    The basis of Ethnicity you mean?

    Because the Italians are many ethnic groups, the Romans themselves have made them the most diverse ethnic groups in the world except the oriental ones.
    Now you would find in Italy a huge percentage of the black skinned population.

    If a person violates racial norms, for example, he commits a criminal offense with us.

    In practice, there is no Italian as they imagine it outside of Italy.
    In my region we are assimilated into Celtic sports...

    I can't tell you if there are more people with African or Northern European ethnicity, for example, one in ten of us is blond.

    The cultural mix is so beautiful.
    § I wander less: if an autistic person is given too many stringent rules he doesn't know how to behave because in us the deficit is communicative.

    * Paradoxically, writing with rules in a communication that is difficult for us will lead to the impossibility of communication itself

  • Bugger actually making the stuff, that's dangerous!! 

  • Not that you’re advising about not-advising the breaching of the limits of legal-limitation, of course, only a legal advisor can do that!

  • I would like to advise you about the lawful limits in terms of making explosives at home ... I'd like to but apparently I'm not allowed so go ahead make as much Semtex as you'd like.

  • I've come to the inevitable conclusion that the stuff I've read in the bible about Jesus Christ perfectly encapsulates the human experience. 

    It does not guarantee an easy life to go around being as helpful and benevolent as you possibly can, indeed it really pisses the established power off, and can bring one too an unpleasant death.  

    It's still better than not making the effort.

  • If I needed to use my head to breach a brick wall, I'd use it to make and lay a breaching charge out of common household ingredients like my dad taught me as a child (but updated using knowledge that is freely available on the normal internet...)

  • Yes. As hard as it was I can tell you bringing and running a law suit is far easier than trying to get people enthused about defending their own rights.

  • I didn't forget it, I discounted it was harder work than destroying the wall, and I was after pointing out the easy option.

    Us Autists often "make our own wind" as a flying instructor once put it so succinctly. In my case I was trying so hard to control events, (Keep the bloody aeroplane flying down the invisible 3 degree slope that arrives at the numbers on the start of the runway in use) that the aeroplane was being affected more by my efforts to control it than by the actual mild crosswind that I was trying to compensate for. 

    I note in Peter some of the frustration at life that I feel and the Urge to do something about it (I must go and join his website!) but as I've noted many times in the past just having a good idea, and even ding most of the work STILL isn't enough to get people to join in..

  • I didn't forget it, I discounted it was harder work than destroying the wall, and I was after pointing out the easy option.

    Us Autists often "make our own wind" as a flying instructor once put it so succinctly. In my case I was trying so hard to control events, (Keep the bloody aeroplane flying down the invisible 3 degree slope that arrives at the numbers on the start of the runway in use) that the aeroplane was being affected more by my efforts to control it than by the actual mild crosswind that I was trying to compensate for. 

    I note in Peter some of the frustration at life that I feel and the Urge to do something about it (I must go and join his website!) but as I've noted many times in the past just having a good idea, and even ding most of the work STILL isn't enough to get people to join in..

  • I've come to the inevitable conclusion that the stuff I've read in the bible about Jesus Christ perfectly encapsulates the human experience. 

    It does not guarantee an easy life to go around being as helpful and benevolent as you possibly can, indeed it really pisses the established power off, and can bring one too an unpleasant death.  

    It's still better than not making the effort.

  • Yes. As hard as it was I can tell you bringing and running a law suit is far easier than trying to get people enthused about defending their own rights.