Quote of the Day... " We are all Slaves to a big Machine "

Meaning ?
We are one of the smallest country,s in the World.
For our Econemy to work they have to Tax us until we bleed.
You Work ? Income Tax.
Whatever you have left you have to Pay your Utility Bills...More Tax.
If you have anything left you then have to pay flipping Tax to feed Yourself and your Family !
Those Who are now Genuinly Struggling with Mental Health Problems and are not on pip now have a New Problem.
No pip = Job seekers Allowance, Full Stop.
It all comes from 10 Dowing Street and the Commons.
So my Friends, like i said... We are ALL slaves to a big machine.

  • For our economy to work we have to produce something tangible that others need, in order to trade.

    Since Mrs Thatcher essentially put the whole country on the dole in the eighties, we've just steadily reduced our ability to do that.

    No-one seems to comprehend that Brexit, essentially made us as a country "ineligible for benefits", if I had been in charge I'd have declared a state of emergency and put the country on a war footing, "production" wise.

    During the covid early days of panic British indigenous industry completed the designs and production of no less than six different ventilator prototypes, several of which were rushed into production.

    So we could do invention and production, if we tried...

    But unlike the ventilators, perhaps we should actually sell what we produced, rather than dismantle it all get rid of the evidence and pretend it didn't happen...

  • No-one seems to comprehend that Brexit, essentially made us ineligible for benefits

    Can you expand on this please?

    I still see lots of people claiming benefits so I'm not sure if you mean autists or people in general.

  • I mean the country itself I.E. the collective all.

    I've reworded it to make my point more clearly.

  • Can you expand on this please?

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