University Offer Refused Due to my Spoken Communication

Hey Guys, thanks in advance for listening. I've been refused a place on a secondary English PGCE Programme at a prestigious  University because in their exact words:

One key area that we felt made our course not right for you relates to spoken communication. We felt that you would need to work on how you respond to and include others in group discussion activities, as well as maintaining focus spoken discussion.

They are aware that I have ASD and ADHD. I have asked them to reconsider and asked if as this was the only reason and they were again in their words aware that I had very many talents, could I complete a fitness to teach assessment as this is part of their policy. I'm already a lecturer at a local college and a guest lecturer at universities. 

They have just emailed to say they will not reconsider and if I am unhappy I need to make a formal complaint. 

Does anyone have any thoughts and is there anywhere I can approach to assist me in making a complaint as I struggle with forms? 

Many thanks


  • What are the spoken aspects of the course were you applying for?

    Clearly if this revolves around a lot of reading out oud and group discussions then I can see why they came to that conclusion as you would be unable to perform key aspects of the work.

    If it is primarily written / read work required then you do have grounds for an appeal.

    There should be a Student Advice Centre at the uni who should be your first point of contact.

    Also, speak to UCAS -

    They should be able to offer advice even though you are not yet a student.

  • It's for secondary English, I already am a lecturer at a college teaching business and have taught Business for seven years, both at College and as a guest lecturer at University. I have never had any Praynegative feedback on my spoken communication in a teaching environment. And in fact have very strong attendance record, which is reflective of how much my students engage. Okay I will try them, many thanks Pray

  • Another approach is to check out the Society of Education and Training. [ ] If you have teaching qualifications for FE you may be entitled to QTS, or may be entitled to teach 14-plus in secondary schools with a FE qualification.  Or does the university where you teach offer PGCE you could get on through the staff route?

    By all means, use the complaints process, but I wonder if this "prestigious" university will actually provide the accommodations or just the bare minimum required. You will face assessment at each teaching practice, and if the tutors are not neurodivergent aware you could face constant criticism. It is annoying, but as a tactic, it might be better to apply to another university that has a better track record on inclusion. It is nice to have your PGCE from a "prestigious" university, but when it comes to QTS any PGCE is the same as any other ... plus you have experience.

    Just a thought ...

  • Another approach is to check out the Society of Education and Training. [ ] If you have teaching qualifications for FE you may be entitled to QTS, or may be entitled to teach 14-plus in secondary schools with a FE qualification.  Or does the university where you teach offer PGCE you could get on through the staff route?

    By all means, use the complaints process, but I wonder if this "prestigious" university will actually provide the accommodations or just the bare minimum required. You will face assessment at each teaching practice, and if the tutors are not neurodivergent aware you could face constant criticism. It is annoying, but as a tactic, it might be better to apply to another university that has a better track record on inclusion. It is nice to have your PGCE from a "prestigious" university, but when it comes to QTS any PGCE is the same as any other ... plus you have experience.

    Just a thought ...

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