I'm Brian and so's my wife

Since I went 'public' about my ASD diagnosis I've had more than one person say to me 'We're all on the spectrum mate'. At the time I found the comment slightly offensive, as if they were saying, 'You're not the only one who's got issues, just get over it', but on reflection, perhaps they have a point. In this crazy world where the borders of 'normality' are infinitely blurred, could it be that we are all on one big spectrum, but only some of us in the 'zone' that is currently classed as a disorder? I can't help wondering if everyone did the tests and questionnaires that I did when being assessed what percentage of the population would be diagnosed. The very first test I did came as quite a shock because the questions seemed so very appropriate to how I was feeling, and it returned a result of high probability. I can't decide if that's just because I do actually have ASD or because some of those questions would apply to anyone doing the test. I'd be interested to hear people's opinion on this, especially if anyone out there has done the test and returned a negative result i.e. low probability.

  • Former Member has got me thinking. If we were all autistic then the world would be more set up for us. Shops and supermarkets wouldn't play such loud music or have such bright lights, the world would be a more understanding place with a slower pace of life, collectively everyone would be able to communicate more easily, mental health services would be more effective etc... The list goes on.

  • Your comment raises a question for me. I hate sudden loud noises like dogs barking, owners shouting at them, alarms going off, cars and motorbikes going by that are unsilenced, etc. and yet I am perfectly happy to put a pair of headphones on and listen to Greenday, Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, AC/DC et al at a volume I wouldn't be comfortable with normally. Any logical explanation for this?

  • I am the same as I love gigs but have difficulty with buzzing phones as an example . I wonder if it's how much you are in control of the situation. Also, I seem to understand, one can have mixed sensory profiles, even amongst the same sense (hearing). I can't remember technical terms. So you can be sensory seeking and avoidant depending on the situation.

  • I like hot egg but can't eat cold egg in any form. I think it's a combination of smell and texture when cold. I've always had a strong sense of smell which has in turn been both a blessing and a curse, depending on what the smell is. The most outstanding one is my ability to smell snow before it arrives. It's very distinct to me and I've made accurate predictions on numerous occasions, much to people's surprise and disbelief.

  • I'm strange with eggs. I either really enjoy them or hate them and you don't know till you eat it. Its the yolk. There's good egg taste and bad egg taste. This goes for cooking them and when they are in things like cakes. But it's always the smell on pots afterwards that gets me.  And I have to be in charge of my own egg yolk.

  • With you on the cold egg thing. Who can bear to eat something that smells like a fart BEFORE it's been digested?

  • And smellls,  yes. I can smell cold egg on plates that have supposedly been washed. I went for a posh afternoon tea with a friend and the whole time could snell second hand egg on the "clean" plates.

    As a child I used to be able to smell the difference between different brands of white bread and margarine. Mostly the smell was horrible.  This was put down to me being a bit fussy in that department. 

  • I've fallen far behind both reading links, and reading your responses.
    I could provide a much better answer than this one I will write.
    Back pain is becoming (I hope) less acute.
    I can sit still.
    So the sensorial: that concerns most of the answers (in my opinion).
    Many of my friends use noise canceling headphones.
    or ,ear plugs.
    It depends on our heightened sensory response.
    But this also extends to other senses.
    In Italy in some regions there are high-level festivals in which hundreds of different types of cheeses can be found.
    I remember an unpleasant thing.
    I was with my girlfriend.
    The stands were really many.
    I perceived all together the "smells of the cheeses.
    It was like n nightmare.
    I walked away 200 meters from that place.
    She was very angry and scolded me.
    But I could not filter the aromas.
    It was a whole thing.
    I ran away.
    The people I make friends with often have very high IQs.
    And you have to admit that I was struck by his reaction.
    He knew very well how I am.
    Also because our friendship was born talking about high-functioning autism.
    I was really amazed he didn't understand me.
    Including the time we ordered a Fiorentina (Carne alla brace) in Florence.
    But the noise of people who couldn't stop talking to me all the time made standing there intolerable.
    I got up and looked for a nearby restaurant, where nobody was there.
    Because they were Egyptians, and in Tuscany we tend to trust local restaurateurs.
    Instead we ate them in perfect tranquility and silence.
    By the way very good, I recommend the Egyptian cuisine.
    Many things we can not filter them.
    Noises and some frequencies.
    I don't want to digress but documenting the sounds emitted not by the vocal cords and the studies of Demetrio Stratos (He died of leukemia) In Italy diplophony and beyond were studied.
    Can't put links I guess but singing voice (Demetrio Stratos) impresses.
    Just as I am impressed by Freddie Mercury's frequency which is not in the usual range.
    Some things I think but I don't have the time to put them into practice, as well as use the voice.
    the syllogism
    Perhaps for us it would indicate a vast utility.
    The syllogism (from the Greek syllogismòs, word composed of syn, "together" and of logismòs, "reasoning, calculation") is the fundamental model of reasoning
  • That's reassuring, thank you. I think you're spot on with the 'control' idea. I think virtually all of my negative experiences boil down to not being in control of a situation, or someone else being in control in a way I can't relate to. My driving meltdowns are a prime example.

  • That's reassuring, thank you. I think you're spot on with the 'control' idea. I think virtually all of my negative experiences boil down to not being in control of a situation, or someone else being in control in a way I can't relate to. My driving meltdowns are a prime example.

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