I'm Brian and so's my wife

Since I went 'public' about my ASD diagnosis I've had more than one person say to me 'We're all on the spectrum mate'. At the time I found the comment slightly offensive, as if they were saying, 'You're not the only one who's got issues, just get over it', but on reflection, perhaps they have a point. In this crazy world where the borders of 'normality' are infinitely blurred, could it be that we are all on one big spectrum, but only some of us in the 'zone' that is currently classed as a disorder? I can't help wondering if everyone did the tests and questionnaires that I did when being assessed what percentage of the population would be diagnosed. The very first test I did came as quite a shock because the questions seemed so very appropriate to how I was feeling, and it returned a result of high probability. I can't decide if that's just because I do actually have ASD or because some of those questions would apply to anyone doing the test. I'd be interested to hear people's opinion on this, especially if anyone out there has done the test and returned a negative result i.e. low probability.

  • It's a thing people do with lots of issues, where they see a very mild view of things from the outside and can't conceive of what it's actually like. So you get people dismissing ASD because there's a couple of things they see in themselves and they cope fine, or they talk about being a bit OCD because they like their bookshelf to be in order. 

  • Was laughing at the video, not the person who posted here.
    I was just playing.
    No harm intended.

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