What is faith?

I'm hoping, probably naively, that this won't turn into a bun fight.

So, I've not Googled the meaning of religious faith but I will just share some of my thoughts here.

There are a lot of religions in the world.  They can't all be right, can they?

Surely if what a person of faith believes is true, that particular faith must be true for everyone?

After death we can't all be shooting off to different places, can we?

I haven't read about this but a friend of mine (autistic) has a special interest in faith and reads reams of books.

He is particularly interested in Shamanism and I find that quite fascinating. 

I find ancient  and 'Tribal' religions of great interest.

I'm agnostic.

However, I'm not sure which fence I sit on as all the major religions have something to offer but some of them have caused a lot of death and suffering too over the centuries.

My husband believes that the world was created by aliens.  Is this a faith too, even if not a religious one?

People sometimes talk as though they know that their faith is true. 

However, how can it be as the word 'faith' is explicitely saying it's a belief.

It can't be proven as what happens after death can't be known. 

Also even if historical figures such as Jesus did live (and there is evidence that this is true) it's our interpretation of their signficance that is pertinent.

Hence the word 'faith'.

If you have a faith, please share why you believe if you care to.

Please also just share your thoughts on this.


  • Mine is celtic pagan belief. I don't have one god but many deities that don't require worship to feel belief. 

    We are nature, we are all brothers and sisters humans and animals. In life and spirit. And all are blessed to livw how we all are and love freely to who and whom to love, where it 1 on 1 or multiple partners. And sexuality is free.of judgement. That the earth provide us with everything to survive that when we die wr provide back to the earth in our spirit to run free and wild. 

  • It's the notion of "worship" that I find difficult. And putting myself in any sort of box.

Reply Children
  • I think I need both. I feel connected to the world amongst nature and amongst crowds of people at concerts. "The earth provides for us" - I agree however the beliefs that I have now feel at odds with the modern world and I cannot reconcile them. We take far more than what we need.

  • For a while, when I was a teenager, we had a head of Cernunnos in the back garden. I had cut down a dead almond tree (it had peach-leaf curl), when I dug up the stump and roots, the root ball and roots, when turned upside down, suggested an antlered head. I carved a face, with lenticular eyes and down-curving mouth, on the stump and a torc round the 'neck. I mounted it on a wooden stake, with a painting of the 'ram-headed serpent' running down it. It must have puzzled visitors!

    The face looked a lot like this: 

    I am an agnostic, only a paper thin distance from atheism.

  • Yeah, I don't the notion of "worship".. am not putting anyone or myself in any sort of box. I have used the label as Celtic Pagan but I followed my heart to where my belief is now.. not based on others say so.

    See me and other humans are not sociable and never have, me and animals are a different story, I rather be in the outdoors, deep in the woods or forest and not in a big room of people