Cure for digestive diseases?

I have had a diagnosis and struggles with Crohn's/Colitis for over 10 years.

After researching every research study I ever come across and transitioned to the ZOE diet plan launched by Dr Tim Spectre from king's college, I have found better health. Although I still have flare ups.

Recently I have made a subtle but fundamental change to how I eat after listening to this podcast: well as changing the order I eat food in by taking the advice of this nutritional expert:

...and I think I've found the root cause of IBD & perhaps even cancer...

CHEMICALS in food!

I now don't buy ANY FOODS that contain chemicals (emulsiphyers, stabilisers, pectins, etc etc). Only eat whole foods.

Even whole beans in tins have chemicals in surprisingly.

In the entire bread isle at Sainsbury's there was one bread, a pack of tortilla, that didn't have chemicals or preservatives in! It's mad.

My wife to be is a food professional and is part of this work. So it comes from a trusted source.

I hope this might help others in the same situation as I know we in the spectrum have a very night rate of IBD

  • Fair point. I'm referring to additives used to emulate natural food properties used in food manufacture which are increasingly being linked to disease manifestation through clinical testing.

  • I guess I'm also supposing that perhaps all artificial chemicals we ingest lead to detrimental health outcomes?

    Smoking, drinking, pharmaceuticals... the list is endless

  • There is nothing in any link that would invalidate my knowledge concerning hazardous chemicals, I was a safety advisor to a research institute within a university, or the logic I have employed to emphasize that separating chemicals found in food into natural = safe and synthetic/artificial = hazardous, is simply wrong.

  • Id suggest listening to the links I added which it's clear you haven't Thumbsup

  • Synthesised = artificial in relation to chemicals.

    Virtually everything in the realm of synthetic/artificial chemicals has had extensive toxicity testing. Usually it is the LD 50, which tests how much chemical either kills 50% of the subject animals (such as rats) or 50% of cultured mammalian cells. I knew someone who ingested a toxic chemical in a laboratory and the medics eventually contacted a retired scientist in a nursing home to find out the LD 50. As it happens the person had ingested more the dose lethal to 50% of rats (in a ratio to body mass), but after days on life support and other interventions, he survived. Artificial additives to food often have had more thorough testing than chemicals occurring naturally in food.

    Like I said, each individual chemical, natural or man-made is unique as to its levels of hazard to a human ingesting it.

  • Synthesised = artificial in relation to chemicals.

    Virtually everything in the realm of synthetic/artificial chemicals has had extensive toxicity testing. Usually it is the LD 50, which tests how much chemical either kills 50% of the subject animals (such as rats) or 50% of cultured mammalian cells. I knew someone who ingested a toxic chemical in a laboratory and the medics eventually contacted a retired scientist in a nursing home to find out the LD 50. As it happens the person had ingested more the dose lethal to 50% of rats (in a ratio to body mass), but after days on life support and other interventions, he survived. Artificial additives to food often have had more thorough testing than chemicals occurring naturally in food.

    Like I said, each individual chemical, natural or man-made is unique as to its levels of hazard to a human ingesting it.

  • There is nothing in any link that would invalidate my knowledge concerning hazardous chemicals, I was a safety advisor to a research institute within a university, or the logic I have employed to emphasize that separating chemicals found in food into natural = safe and synthetic/artificial = hazardous, is simply wrong.

  • Id suggest listening to the links I added which it's clear you haven't Thumbsup