Work related Anxiety


I have only realised that I am on the autism spectrum later in life as an adult (I am 56) and realising that there maybe ways I could help myself when I feel overwhlemed with things that happen in the worlplace.

When I make a mistake at work I feel as if it is the end of the world and struggle to concentrate on anything else until it has been sorted. Until it has been respolved I feel like a fraud when I meet with anyone who doesn't know the situation and that I am pretending that everything is okay.

Does anyone else know how this feels and do you have any suggestions for why I might feel like this, and how to change what I am feeling or cope with it? My recent mistake has been firmly but politely pointed out via a message, and noone is shouting at me or getting angry, but this strength of internal response is how I usually feel to any mistake.

Thank you,


  • Hi Yasmin, 

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m 25 and i’m currently going through the process of getting a diagnosis but i’m only 3 years into my career and experience very similar issues. 

    Just last week I had the day off work and stupidly I checked my emails from home and had noticed an email from a college that pulled me up on an error i had made. I felt instantly unsettled and didn’t stop thinking about it all weekend. It was very minor issue but to me felt completely horrible and the end of the world so i sympathise with how you feel. 

    Although i’m still on a journey of working on this and learning to not take things like this personally or hold onto them over the weekend I do have some tips that help. 

    - Take a 5 min breather after reading something that makes you feel like this and then re-focus your attention once you have re-gained your thoughts 

    - Respond to the issue and try to be open, honest and clear about why what happened actually happened. 

    - Tell someone, reach out to a friend or family or even someone in your team and let them know X has happened and it’s made me feel incredibly anxious, is there a better way we can deal with issues or filter through updates like this differently? 

    Not much but hope those help a little as they have helped me! 



  • Hi Ellie,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know how you feel and that you can relate to my reactions. thanks also for your great suggestions, I especially like the idea of taking time to refocus, and also not to read messages when I am not at work.

    Very Best Wishes,


  • Hi Ellie,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know how you feel and that you can relate to my reactions. thanks also for your great suggestions, I especially like the idea of taking time to refocus, and also not to read messages when I am not at work.

    Very Best Wishes,


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