Would they get a diagnosis of Autism

I know someone who suspects they have Autism. I know them well and for a very long time. As far as I know they have no sensory issues and routine isn’t important to them.  They do find social situations and communication difficult.  They can also become very obsessed whether it’s a hobby or interest or a problem that needs fixing. Would they be likely to get diagnosed with Autism based on this? . 

  • It's imposable to say. However there are 2 diagnostic crteria for autism

    1. "Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple con­texts"
    2. "Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities"

    Routine and sensory issues fall under the 2nd but that's just 2 aspects of a much wider range of things that fall under the second category.

    Also they are as interested in what he was like as a child as now because they expect "Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities" to show up more clearly in children where as adults tend to 'mask' that side of them selves. An obsessive hobby could fall under the second criteria.

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