Daily tasks

Hello, apologies as this has probably been asked a lot before. But does anyone have any suggestions or advice on how to keep up on everyday cooking, cleaning etc 

I find it really hard to find any motivation to cook or clean and food shopping.

  • But does anyone have any suggestions or advice on how to keep up on everyday cooking, cleaning etc 

    I tend to make it part of my routine that I can only have things I really want once I have done the chores - it brings some drive to earn the prize at the end of watching an episode of my favourite show, making a cup of special coffee or even ordering food for delivery.

    As humans we are hard wired for this sort of task so stiulating the desires for the result can break the intertia of procrastination.

    There are some interesting notes on procrastination here:


    I think the changing of routine is a big one for us autists - do you think this is the case for you?

  • Routines definitely work for me. Just if my routine is broken I find it hard to get back on track. For example if we go away, or I have a hectic week at work as my finish time can vary quite a bit sometimes so it's hard to plan around. Then things build up and I get overwhelmed. But I normally find time to watch my favourite shows, so if I can do that I can find time to clean. So I think the reward idea is definitely the way to go for me as I get excited about watching my favourite shows. Thank you for the suggestion!

  • if we go away, or I have a hectic week at work as my finish time can vary quite a bit sometimes so it's hard to plan around.

    Sounds like you need to develop a backup routine for this - think it through, plan it with enough flexibility for some tasks taking longer and follow it so you have the uncertainty nailed down and unable to haunt your thoughts.

    Repeat after me "by the power of project management, I coquer thee!"...

    OK, back under the stone I go...

  • That's a very kind offer which I will politely decline!

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