Support for adults

Hi, I was diagnosed several months ago now, at the age of 32. I felt so understood when I was having my diagnostic assessment, however since receiving diagnosis, I have struggled to find support afterwards. Everything is aimed at children and not adults. I contacted somewhere that sounded promising however they wouldn't give me an appointment as I was outside of the area. I was so disappointed, it sounded like just what I needed, it was advertised as they "help you identify the gaps and barriers you are experiencing to receive the support you need". The area I live in doesn't offer this service. Now I am a bit lost. I filled out a PIP application as advised by the lady who assessed me however I don't want to do nothing, I already have depression and I think not having a job is making this worse. I am unemployed after leaving university as I was doing a course where I had to continuously mask, leaving me exhausted. Since leaving, I have struggled with no sense of purpose. Am I missing something, is there any services for newly diagnosed adults? I was hoping "finding myself" would be empowering however I haven't been offered any interviews since I started disclosing autism on my application forms to employers. I am also a mum of two. I want to be a good mum to my children but feel useless at this due to my fear/anxiety of social situations/crowds so I don't take them out much and try to give them everything they could want at home to compensate. My parents take them out to places when things are on however I feel guilty that I can't just be normal. Does anyone have any advice please? Thank you

  • Oh I feel you as a parent of 2 kids and a recent diagnosis.

    in response to some the comments - I’ve really never got on with CBT, I have had some good experiences with DBT therapy however with respect to tolerating distress and focusing on the dialectic nature of life.

    i’m looking into access to work support at the moment to see if I might get some practical help to manage tasks etc that sit in some of my blind spots of behaviour.

    but I agree with you , there is an astonishing lack of support for adults available. Mental health services on the NHS are just non existent at the moment. I can afford to pay for it sometimes but it’s tough to keep it as consistent support tool

  • Oh I feel you as a parent of 2 kids and a recent diagnosis.

    in response to some the comments - I’ve really never got on with CBT, I have had some good experiences with DBT therapy however with respect to tolerating distress and focusing on the dialectic nature of life.

    i’m looking into access to work support at the moment to see if I might get some practical help to manage tasks etc that sit in some of my blind spots of behaviour.

    but I agree with you , there is an astonishing lack of support for adults available. Mental health services on the NHS are just non existent at the moment. I can afford to pay for it sometimes but it’s tough to keep it as consistent support tool

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