Support for adults

Hi, I was diagnosed several months ago now, at the age of 32. I felt so understood when I was having my diagnostic assessment, however since receiving diagnosis, I have struggled to find support afterwards. Everything is aimed at children and not adults. I contacted somewhere that sounded promising however they wouldn't give me an appointment as I was outside of the area. I was so disappointed, it sounded like just what I needed, it was advertised as they "help you identify the gaps and barriers you are experiencing to receive the support you need". The area I live in doesn't offer this service. Now I am a bit lost. I filled out a PIP application as advised by the lady who assessed me however I don't want to do nothing, I already have depression and I think not having a job is making this worse. I am unemployed after leaving university as I was doing a course where I had to continuously mask, leaving me exhausted. Since leaving, I have struggled with no sense of purpose. Am I missing something, is there any services for newly diagnosed adults? I was hoping "finding myself" would be empowering however I haven't been offered any interviews since I started disclosing autism on my application forms to employers. I am also a mum of two. I want to be a good mum to my children but feel useless at this due to my fear/anxiety of social situations/crowds so I don't take them out much and try to give them everything they could want at home to compensate. My parents take them out to places when things are on however I feel guilty that I can't just be normal. Does anyone have any advice please? Thank you

  • Well I don’t know where your region or country is, so the best organisation I can think to signpost you to is GeniusWithin, they have some online seminars that you can enrol for, but the waiting list is first-come-first-served, so as soon as the month starts you’ve got to contact them, because the window for entry is about half an hour.. so you’ll have to get your elbows out for that one..:D

    Also if you are in the UK, if you just want to kickstart your productivity via your interest, you can sign up to freecoursesengland, and do the Understanding Autism Course Level 2, you won’t have to mask because it’s all coursework.. or if you are not in the mood for a half-marathon as it were, you can do a Level1 course in mental health perspectives or something..:)

  • When I was diagnosed several months ago, a foresaw that resources wouldn’t be easily accessible, so I attacked is from the mental health services side, the peer group side, and the education side. The results were that a was fairly-satisfied with my post-diagnosis arc, and I think I am pretty well informed on the landscape and future landscape of autism, though there is always something new to learn..:)

  • When I was diagnosed several months ago, a foresaw that resources wouldn’t be easily accessible, so I attacked is from the mental health services side, the peer group side, and the education side. The results were that a was fairly-satisfied with my post-diagnosis arc, and I think I am pretty well informed on the landscape and future landscape of autism, though there is always something new to learn..:)
