Support for adults

Hi, I was diagnosed several months ago now, at the age of 32. I felt so understood when I was having my diagnostic assessment, however since receiving diagnosis, I have struggled to find support afterwards. Everything is aimed at children and not adults. I contacted somewhere that sounded promising however they wouldn't give me an appointment as I was outside of the area. I was so disappointed, it sounded like just what I needed, it was advertised as they "help you identify the gaps and barriers you are experiencing to receive the support you need". The area I live in doesn't offer this service. Now I am a bit lost. I filled out a PIP application as advised by the lady who assessed me however I don't want to do nothing, I already have depression and I think not having a job is making this worse. I am unemployed after leaving university as I was doing a course where I had to continuously mask, leaving me exhausted. Since leaving, I have struggled with no sense of purpose. Am I missing something, is there any services for newly diagnosed adults? I was hoping "finding myself" would be empowering however I haven't been offered any interviews since I started disclosing autism on my application forms to employers. I am also a mum of two. I want to be a good mum to my children but feel useless at this due to my fear/anxiety of social situations/crowds so I don't take them out much and try to give them everything they could want at home to compensate. My parents take them out to places when things are on however I feel guilty that I can't just be normal. Does anyone have any advice please? Thank you

  • Does your GP surgery have anyone in a supportive role that you could meet with? I have been fortunate in that there is a psychiatric nurse at my surgery with experience and understanding of autism. I hope you find something that helps x

  • Thank you for replying Tulip52. I wish there was someone like that in my gp practice but there isn't sadly. Gp has suggested talking therapies but this isn't what I need. I think my depression is partly due to masking for so long and not accepting myself, I was hoping there would be someone with a good understanding of autism who can help guide me. I feel like I don't even know myself and have to start all over again

  • Thank you for replying Tulip52. I wish there was someone like that in my gp practice but there isn't sadly. Gp has suggested talking therapies but this isn't what I need. I think my depression is partly due to masking for so long and not accepting myself, I was hoping there would be someone with a good understanding of autism who can help guide me. I feel like I don't even know myself and have to start all over again

  • I understand completely. It is almost cruel to expect people to just “adapt”. Hopefully gradually you will find yourself more and more. I understand about talking therapies too. If I am going to talk to someone in a therapeutic way, then it needs to be of benefit to me otherwise I am wasting my little mental energy on something that isn’t helpful. I use my time much more wisely now. I can’t afford not to. 

    Until you find some thing that helps, keep posting here and ask anything. I am new too and I have found it very helpful. X