Job problems - corporate environment

Hi all,

I am an autistic male with an official diagnosis from Psychiatry-UK. I revealed myself as autistic to my workplace, and the results were disappointing.

  • Now everybody looks terrified by me. People keep their distance and try to be a politically correct as possible. They alternate between speaking with me like I was a 5 years old, and just keeping their distance.
  • The manager now tries to keep his distance. Every interaction we have is either recorded or done with another person present in the room as witness. He does not do that with the other people.
  • I asked for homework with some stupid excuse, and they granted it to me immediately. The company is very against homework, and they granted it to very few people, nearly all with serious health problems. I am the only one that got approved for homework without suffering from a serious health risk.

My knowledge of corporate environment tells me that the HR is just scared of a discriminations lawsuit and advised my managers to keep me at distance. They cannot just fire me because I waited for 2 years to disclose my condition. 

Some questions:

  • I want a better job, getting promoted in a corporate environment without social skills is impossible. Would I be liable if I did not disclose my mental condition in the job interview?
  • Apart for homeworking, is there any adjustment that can be asked for a network engineer? I do not suffer from sensory overload. 


  • I’m so sorry Mark. I have found disclosing only had negative consequences too. A lot of neurotypical people seem to have these stereotypes about autism and you’re then treated differently even when they claim to be inclusive. Everything I’ve gone for since disclosing autism, I haven’t even got to interview stage. I don’t understand why people aren’t treated as individuals, not everyone with autism is the same, and there are positive traits of autism too. I think I’m going to go down the not disclosing route in future

  • I’m so sorry Mark. I have found disclosing only had negative consequences too. A lot of neurotypical people seem to have these stereotypes about autism and you’re then treated differently even when they claim to be inclusive. Everything I’ve gone for since disclosing autism, I haven’t even got to interview stage. I don’t understand why people aren’t treated as individuals, not everyone with autism is the same, and there are positive traits of autism too. I think I’m going to go down the not disclosing route in future

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