
My 8 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with autism. Is there any steps I need to take or anything I need to do with it apart from learn more about the condition. Feel a bit lost. 

  • I think that wanting to learn more is a great start! As Def Leepard says, you should have a follow-up appointment that will answer questions and hopefully direct you towards some helpful resources.

    It might be worth looking at things which specifically address what being autistic is like for girls. Yo Samdy Sam on YouTube and the TV programmes by Christine McGuinness are things I've found helpful as an autistic woman myself. You may also like Chloe Hayden's book 'Different, Not Less' which has sections you could read to/with your daughter if you wanted, it's very accessible.

  • You will have a follow up appointment with the Team who confirmed your Daughters Diagnosis.
    They will send you a second appointment letter.
    The appointment will address all the questions you now ask and will support and advise you.
    Best wishes.