Job Trial Day

I'm super excited for my job trial day tomorrow! 

I'm also nervous, terrified is a more accurate word actually. Lol. I want to do well but I'm worried the anxiety will best me and I'll have a meltdown. I wasn't even expecting to get this far. But the manager was really pleased with me and that's why I got this trial which is tomorrow. If it goes well my mum says I might get ordered a position with the business. My mum is so pleased for me. I don't want to let her down either. I'm worried that I'll not type fast enough tomorrow or I'll struggle talking to people. I've been practicing small talk in the mirror in preparation, hoping this will help me for tomorrow. I can remember the floor I first went to, an office with four desks in one was empty which I think is where I'll be tomorrow and then three other women. Three challenges to do smalltalk with and be 'normal'.

The anxiety is killing me already.

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